So I am pretty lean at 10% bf, and have a fair bit of vascularity showing through in my shoulders , biceps, and alot down my forearms.
These vains have become more pronounced since my bf % has dropped over the last few months.
Anyway I have one very noticeable vain on my right forearm, runing down from my wrist making a sort of L shape about 6 inches long. when I tense my forearm it really pops out even more.
I also have one very similar on my left forearm same place.
Now it has never give me any trouble until today, I trained my arms and when I was doing most curling exercises the vain felt like it was going to BURST out of my arm, very strange feeling, I had to stop at one point because it really was pumped so much and felt like it would burst at any point.
Ive never had this before and im worried as I have been told it is possible to burst a vain.
If this is the case how has this happend! Is it from training? Gear? Diet/low bf%
I am looking for some people with good views on this as of course im concerned about it.
At least tomorrow is Legs day so can give arms a rest.
Hope some one can help here, thanks.