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Thread: Painfull Vascularity in my forearm, Im worried!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Painfull Vascularity in my forearm, Im worried!

    So I am pretty lean at 10% bf, and have a fair bit of vascularity showing through in my shoulders , biceps, and alot down my forearms.

    These vains have become more pronounced since my bf % has dropped over the last few months.

    Anyway I have one very noticeable vain on my right forearm, runing down from my wrist making a sort of L shape about 6 inches long. when I tense my forearm it really pops out even more.

    I also have one very similar on my left forearm same place.

    Now it has never give me any trouble until today, I trained my arms and when I was doing most curling exercises the vain felt like it was going to BURST out of my arm, very strange feeling, I had to stop at one point because it really was pumped so much and felt like it would burst at any point.
    Ive never had this before and im worried as I have been told it is possible to burst a vain.
    If this is the case how has this happend! Is it from training? Gear? Diet/low bf%

    I am looking for some people with good views on this as of course im concerned about it.
    At least tomorrow is Legs day so can give arms a rest.

    Hope some one can help here, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    You could donate some of those viens to me if you want!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lol that is what most users strive for man! skin tearing pumps and vascularity! id enjoy the stares! i dont think its anything to worry about? what are you taking?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    You could donate some of those viens to me if you want!
    you can have the one this feel weird! im just worried about it, someone at the gym was like dont worry its just pumped up!
    But it didnt feel right at all, felt like it was bout to burst and blow up and when I was doing any bicep curl, it was really sticking out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thats how it should feel when youre on good gear man....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Lol that is what most users strive for man! skin tearing pumps and vascularity! id enjoy the stares! i dont think its anything to worry about? what are you taking?
    Test prop,Tren,Equipoise,D-bol

    The vain in question has been there and pronounced for a while, but just when i went to do curls for Biceps today it started pumping out of my skin so much, and the feeling was not good! really felt like it was going to pop! burst!

    If I run my finger over it now it still feels strange! but the other forearm which almost has an indentical vain does not feel like this when i worked my arms today or now.

    Im just worried because Ive heard its possible to damage and burst a vain.

    But if Ive damaged it some how, I want to know if its because my bf has been low for a long time now or if its because the diet im on or the gear im taking or if ive done it training or what!

    Maybe I am overreacting and it will settle down in few days, il keep an eye on it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yea man with that combination of compounds, youre gonna have some insane pumps--namely from the prop and equipoise, but thats Good though, just work hard man and dont sweat it...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Yea man with that combination of compounds, youre gonna have some insane pumps--namely from the prop and equipoise, but thats Good though, just work hard man and dont sweat it...
    Yeah but I just think its weird that I can feel this vain like moving all the time now, its hard to explain how it feels, when training it felt like it was going burts, only that vain, my others in arms, shoulders pop out, but dont feel like they are going to burst!
    And now this vain in my forearm Ive just picked up a glass of water and went to drink it, in the movement of my arm to my mouth to drink made the vain pop out , but again it felt like it was going pop! kinda like the vain moves.
    Really strange feeling and not just a suttle feeling , very strong one.

    And just this vain so that is why im worried.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Well i guess if youre really worried you could go to the doc? (i know everyone hates hearing this)....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    We are so vain sometimes!

    ::sigh::I crack myself up!

    Big, I think youre fine bro. Last time I checked, you were on a beast of a cycle, so the pumps are to be expected.

    If it blows up in the middle of the gym, be sure to let us know though.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    We are so vain sometimes!

    ::sigh::I crack myself up!

    Big, I think youre fine bro. Last time I checked, you were on a beast of a cycle, so the pumps are to be expected.

    If it blows up in the middle of the gym, be sure to let us know though.
    If it blows up in the middle of the gym think il be screaming like a girl first!

    Im only worried because I heard this guy once got a damaged vain from the gear and it got bigger and bigger then burst when he was training and he almost died!

    The instructor at the gym today said I should keep an eye on it.
    at least legs tomorrow so I can rest arms, even though Im going Jab my Biceps!
    Will keep u all posted!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    thats crazy as f*ck dude

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Go donate some blood to release the pressure.
    Just an idea.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BigHuman
    Test prop,Tren,Equipoise,D-bol

    The vain in question has been there and pronounced for a while, but just when i went to do curls for Biceps today it started pumping out of my skin so much, and the feeling was not good! really felt like it was going to pop! burst!

    If I run my finger over it now it still feels strange! but the other forearm which almost has an indentical vain does not feel like this when i worked my arms today or now.

    Im just worried because Ive heard its possible to damage and burst a vain.

    But if Ive damaged it some how, I want to know if its because my bf has been low for a long time now or if its because the diet im on or the gear im taking or if ive done it training or what!

    Maybe I am overreacting and it will settle down in few days, il keep an eye on it.
    Dianabol and Equipoise essentially have the same effect on your body, namely raising your blood pressure. Since you are running them both, your BP will be through the roof - probably to a point that it's not even safe. I would drop the Dbol and continue the EQ.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    Your RBC count could very well be through the roof as elevated RBC count can be beneficial to weight lifting, but a level that is too high can be a bad thing.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    Dianabol and Equipoise essentially have the same effect on your body, namely raising your blood pressure.
    If you were gonna say "raising RBC"...and then suggest he donate his blood while on cycle... I'd agree.

    But 'raise BP'?

    That's due to sodium(mineral)/water retention...and is easily rectified. Dropping one of the compounds? Not necessary... add an AI.. yes. Modify dietary sodium? Yes. Add a dht-deriv. (with the exception of drol) yes.. All plausible suggestions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    Since you are running them both, your BP will be through the roof - probably to a point that it's not even safe.
    Generic statement. That's like saying "anyone running test will get gyno"

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    Go donate some blood to release the pressure.
    Just an idea.
    bump on this suggestion

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BigHuman
    If it blows up in the middle of the gym think il be screaming like a girl first!

    Im only worried because I heard this guy once got a damaged vain from the gear and it got bigger and bigger then burst when he was training and he almost died!

    The instructor at the gym today said I should keep an eye on it.
    at least legs tomorrow so I can rest arms, even though Im going Jab my Biceps!
    Will keep u all posted!

    Veins can burst.. but not like you're suggesting.

    First of all...the bursting of isn't a regular occurence..and depends on a number of factors

    Veins burst... and it looks like a bruise below the skin (or semi-permiable membrane.. like the eye). This is usually due to a venous leak or a weakening of the venous structure.

    Training related?

    And death/near-death as a consequence?

    Urban legend dude.

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