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Thread: 3 Day Split!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia

    3 Day Split!!!

    hey guys

    i'm wanting to do this three day split:

    Day bodypart
    1 chest, shoulders, triceps

    2 Back, biceps, abs

    3 legs, calves

    4 Rest

    5 chest, shoulders, triceps

    6 Back, biceps

    7 legs, calves, abs

    i feel as it would be a good split and not time consuming.
    But what i want to know would it be enough rest time to continue with the split. so i can let the muscles recover properly!!
    thanks heaps

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Getting Fat
    That's by far my favorite and most productive split. I do three days on, 1 day off and repeat the cycle and have found it to be the best plan for myself. I don't do it year round, as I do one bodypart per day right now, of which I hate, but the higher frequency seems to stimulate growth for me. . .

  3. #3
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    how many sets and etc for each bodypart

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    i'm writing it all out now.. it
    s almost done so when it's completed i'll post it up. i am restricted cause i don't got to the gym i got a bench out the back of my house some dumbells and barbells and a big machine that incorporates some further exercises for me.. i'll post it up soon

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