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Thread: Traditional bench vs. Free weight bench

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Touchdown City

    Traditional bench vs. Free weight bench

    I dunno, but my little friend A1 who is 5'7" 135lbs exomorph and is pretty cut up always benches w/ dumbells. On the other hand my friend A2 uses the regular barbell and he is 5'9" or 10 and probably weighs 180 possibly more, but he is built larger, very strong mesomorph body type, buit a year or so ago took Sustanon and Dbol for 2 cycles. He stopped lifting for a little while, so he gained some fat. I am built like a log or mesomorphish, but I am wondering who is right about how to bench. Are their body tpes related to this or what? I find that the dumbells are more difficult to control. Anyway, laters.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    both have their place.

    I like Flat barbell bench, and incline dumbell myself

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    new york city
    i like to start of with heavy DB press one week...and heavy benchpress next week on my chest days. I try to switch it around so i never do the same set / rep routine...i know...thats very hard to do lol...keeping track of all that stuff :P

  4. #4
    "5'9" or 10 and probably weighs 180 possibly more"

    "Sustanon and Dbol for 2 cycles."

    how long has he been training???? It appears that he doesn't have much training under his belt.

    I would assume he hasn't reached his peak yet despite the fact that he's past his second cycle and only 180. Poor use of anabolic's in my opinion.

    Dumbbells are more free which work more areas then your standard barbell.

    Both are vital for growth.

    Mix it up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Touchdown City
    I asked him and he says 203 lbs. Anyway, My biceps flexed are only 15", his I think are maybe between 17-19". Not real sure. I would think though that he has to weigh more than what he says. oh and about his training, he was real big last Fall I guess and then his lifting tpaered off. We went to China this summer and there were no Gyms to be found, so that and weird nutrition hurt us both. Whatever. I tried to have him contact his source and trying to get me on, but the dude hasn't gotten back to him. I guess I will just wait and let someone at the Gym approach me about it. I live in a fairly big College town, so it shouldn't be too bad. Anyway, enough talking b/c it's a nice day so I'll try and take advantage of it.
    Last edited by Cacrat; 11-10-2006 at 06:40 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by gfactor
    "5'9" or 10 and probably weighs 180 possibly more"

    "Sustanon and Dbol for 2 cycles."

    how long has he been training???? It appears that he doesn't have much training under his belt.

    I would assume he hasn't reached his peak yet despite the fact that he's past his second cycle and only 180. Poor use of anabolic's in my opinion.Dumbbells are more free which work more areas then your standard barbell.

    Both are vital for growth.

    Mix it up.
    wrong. my use of anabolics is very educated and precise, and so is my diet, training and resting patterns. i had been training 7 years (4 seriously) before i ran my first cycle. that was 2 1/2 years ago, i have run 6 cycles overall, and am stuck at 180-190 off cycle. i got upto 200lbs nearly on my last cycle, but alot of that was water. im 5'9 by the way. i have made several threads regarding my 'weight gaining' problem, even though i look bigger and better every cycle, i still weight the same. i look quite abit heavier than what i actually am though

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