Flat barbell bench: 12, 10, 8, then a set of like 4
Incline barbell: 12, 10, 8-6
Flat dumbell: 10-12, 8-10, 6
Flat Dumbell flies: 12, 10, 8-6
Incline dumbell flies: 12, 10
Pulley machine all the way down, with d ring: 12, 10, 8, 4 (one arm at a time)
Tricep pressdowns: 12, 10, 8, 6
Overhead extensions w/ dumbell: 10, 8, 6
standing alternating dumbell curls: 10, 8, 6
incline dumbell hammer curls: 10, 8, 6
Skull crushers w/ ez bar, then close grip bench immediate after with same weight: 12, 10, 8
Tricep kick backs: 12, 10, 10
Cable machine curls (stand with d ring in each hand and elbows a little above shoulders and curl) 12, 10, 8
Pull-ups: 10, 10, 10
bent over rows with barbell: 12, 10, 8
Hammer strength over head pull down, (not sure the exact name) 12, 10, 8
Sit down rows with cable: 12, 10, 8
Sometimes I'll down pulldowns with one of those V looking rings.
Extensions 15, 15, 15
Shoulders and traps:
Military press: 12, 10, 8, 6
Hammer strength front military press: 12, 10, 8
Rear delts on pec deck: 12, 10, 8
Front delt raises with barbell: 12, 12, 10
Sometimes I'll do side raises with dumbells 10, 8, 6
Dumbell shrugs 12, 10, 8
Another dumbell shrug, but laying down on an incline bench facing the ground: 12, 10, 10
Haven't done legs in a while due to knee injury, but am gonna start back soon
Squat: 12, 10, 8
leg press: 10, 8, 6
Standing calve raises, 12, 10, 8
Bike for 20 min
OK, there is my workout routine, I know it sucks, so any help would be appreciated, b/c I'm not really getting the gains I want, especially in the chest and bicep.