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Thread: ?? about my training...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    ?? about my training... i have been working out for years and recently started on Test E & Dbol...and have a question...i work out
    Monday: chest/triceps/shoulders
    Tues: back & bi's
    wed: legs
    and then do it again...with Sundays off...

    my question is i can hardly do any shoulder excersises after working my shoulders have such a pump its hard to lift my arms over my head...and I often feel like my chest could use more attention....

    do you think i should do shoulders 1st...then triceps...then chest to fatigue the other muscles?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    your shoulders may have a pump because of poor form. you could be relying to much on your shoulders to move the weight instead of your chest. try squeezing your shoulder blades together and lifting your lower back off the bench when you bench press. i used to have the same problem but then i changed my form. really concentrate on the muscle you are trying to work. just my 2 cents

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by mateo112
    your shoulders may have a pump because of poor form. you could be relying to much on your shoulders to move the weight instead of your chest. try squeezing your shoulder blades together and lifting your lower back off the bench when you bench press. i used to have the same problem but then i changed my form. really concentrate on the muscle you are trying to work. just my 2 cents
    Agreed with the exception of not lifting back off bench but rotate your shoulders back just before squeezing your blades together.

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