Is there suppose to be alot of pressure on your wrist's when doing close grip bench for triceps?
Im pretty sure I got right form, but I can't seem todo alot of weight cuz my wrist's give out before my triceps do.
Help anyone?
Is there suppose to be alot of pressure on your wrist's when doing close grip bench for triceps?
Im pretty sure I got right form, but I can't seem todo alot of weight cuz my wrist's give out before my triceps do.
Help anyone?
exactly how close is your grip? too narrow of a grip can put alot of stress on your wrists.
yeh, i hold pretty narrow, too and wrists were weak at first but have worked through it a bit
a good recomendation for close grip is do them at exactly shoulder width and use wrist wraps.
Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
shoulder width? Then doesnt that become moreso just flat bench?
I usually have it an inch or 2 in between my hands. But my wrists seem not to like it very much
that's what i love about this site...learn something new everydayOriginally Posted by Doc.Sust
never thought of using the straps for pushing moves...thanks doc
yeah bro that will kill the wrists, i did it close and i could barely do it, i do it about shoulder width and make sure elbows stay in to use maximum tricep, if you elbows are parallel with bar then it will work more chestOriginally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
Im gonna try these....are straps really needed?
my 2 cents
1. Try using a "Thumb-less" grip and use the smith machine for safety. This way you can turn your palms out a bit to releave pressure in wrists.
2. Some gyms have a full olympic bar sized ez curl bar which takes a lot of pressure off wrists
3. Like doc said widen your grip to about shoulder width, and you might want to try not lowering the bar very far. You tend to loose tension in the tris and start to really torque the wrist joint.
4. Try reverse grip bench if you havent already, works tris/upper chest and for some is easier on wrists.
wrist WRAPS, not wrist STRAPS!!there is a differenceOriginally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
way to close, for CG hands should be placed pointer fingers right out side the smooth part of the olympic bar. regular bench, put your middle or pointer finger on the nurlings(the rings on the bar)Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
as for using the smith machine, i am not a fan beacuse it takes away from the stabilizer muscles, but i need to use my stabilizers alot more than a BBer since i do powerlifting, the smith may take some pressure off your wrist for the time being, but i myself wouldnt make it a permanent
i also use a thumbless grip on my regular press as well as close grip( i pretty much use a thumbless grip on every press movement except dumbell shoulder presses)
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