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Thread: Putting together a new workout..

  1. #1
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    Putting together a new workout..

    Tell me what you think or would switch..Any suggestions are fine nothing is set in stone..I haven't done chest in months do to an injury..


    Back-dead lifts 5 sets of 5
    seated rows 5 sets of 5
    lat pull downs 5 sets of 5

    Biceps-4 sets of 8 hammers
    4 sets of 8 bb curls
    4 sets of 8 preacher curls


    Chest-incline bb 4 sets of 6-8 like hypertrophy suggested probably up the rep ranger here at first..
    flat db 4 sets of 6-8
    cables 4 sets of 6-8
    dips 4 sets of 6-8

    Triceps-Tricep pushdowns 4 sets of 6-8
    Skull crushers 4 sets of 6-8
    Close grip bench press 4 sets of 6-8

    Shoulders-Front raises 4 sets of 6-8
    Side raises 4 sets of 6-8
    reverse flies 4 sets of 6-8
    shoulder press 4 sets 6-8

    Legs- Calf raises 4 sets of 6
    squats- 4 sets of 6
    leg presses- 4 sets of 6
    hamstring exercise maybe 2 not sure which ones..
    Last edited by Hackamaniac; 12-23-2006 at 07:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Add a press to your Shoulder workout. Either dumbbell or military press.

    As far as back there are so many things you can do I woudl vary the back workout from week to week doing different movements.

    Legs I don't see anything there for hamstrings.

    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  3. #3
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    I will try doing some dumbell shoulder presses again but i through them out because they were hurting my shoulder..
    I had a torn rotator cuff that just won't heal completely..
    As far as hamstrings,I need to add an excercise..
    What you guys suggest??

  4. #4
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    Stiff leg DB deads super set with lying leg curls

  5. #5
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    10 exercises on chest; delts; tris day... the 3 of which are all small muscle groups

    4 exercises on leg day;

    7 on back and bi day..

    Don't you see an imbalance here?

    Shoulders: if you're getting shoulder pain from presses.. revise your ROM and form: elbow allignment etc. Precede the chest warm-up wit rotator cus warm-up and stretching for the area.

    Legs: two quad dominant exercises.. no hamstring exercise listed. Seeing that most trainers have poor hams.. you should've added ham exercises first and then query the quad exercises.

    Allotment of days:

    Day 1: chest; delts; tris
    Day 2: back (including deads); Bis
    Day 3: Legs

    Makes no sense... seeing that hams/erectors will get hit hard on both day 2 and 3


    Day 1: back; bis

    Day 2: chest; delts; tris

    Day 3: legs


  6. #6
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    Thanks Nark, I appreciate it

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    got your pm... np


  8. #8
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    Getting Fat
    If you haven't performed chest work in months due to an injury, I would not start with 6-8 reps. Lower the intensity and start with 12-15 reps and periodize to 6-8 reps if the injury allows. . .

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    ^^you got sound advice.. Use it.

  11. #11
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    I'm just not sure how many exercises I should be doing..
    After that I'm good to go..

  12. #12
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    Well i'm gonna go with Narks suggested layout days..
    I want to balance my workout more,like Nark told me to do..
    I'm just not sure to do more leg and back exercises or less for smaller muscles..
    Any more info will be greatly appreciated..

  13. #13
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    did u post narks? recomendations?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    did u post narks? recomendations?
    Just in the post above you...

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    No i mean post your new adjustments...

  16. #16
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    Okay edited Faiz..

  17. #17
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    Here are my changes in bold. This is just my personal opinion on your routine!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
    Tell me what you think or would switch..Any suggestions are fine nothing is set in stone..I haven't done chest in months do to an injury..


    Back-dead lifts 5 sets of 5
    Upright rows 5 sets of 5
    seated rows 5 sets of 5
    lat pull downs 5 sets of 5

    -First of all I am not an advocate of the 5x5 training method. Just my personal opinion about it. Your back routine is lacking in some areas. Let's change some of the exercises.
    -Deads are great but you need to add in some warm up sets. You can't just jump into 5x5 training like that. I would keep the reps med/low, no more than 8 for lighter sets, lowering the number as you gat heavier. Maybe 2 warm up sets and 3 working sets of 8, 5, 3
    -Take out the upright rows here. Do them with your shoulders or traps instead.
    -Seated rows are fine but make sure you change your grip from time to time. (not in the same workout though).
    -I would throw in the pulldowns after the deads. You do want to do 2 big movements in a row. Make sure you change your grip from time to time. A general rule of thumb on these is going opposite your grip on rows. For example: Close grip on rows/wide grip pulldowns. Wide grip on the rows then I use close underhand grip on pulldowns. etc., etc.
    -I would throw in a bent over BB row here to finish it off. Switch it up between underhanded grip and overhanded grip. You should be able to feel the difference in how the muscle is worked with each grip.

    Biceps-4 sets of 8 hammers
    4 sets of 8 bb curls
    4 sets of 8 preacher curls

    -Way too much bicep work here. You just did back so your bis have been worked pretty good already (unless you gear your back workout not to incorporate the biceps). You really shouldn't need to do more than 2 exercises to polish them off. 3 good sets of BB or DB curls and 3 good sets of preacher or Hammer curls. I don't know what works for your biceps so the exercise are up to you but I would stick to the compound movements. Depending on your training level, you could throw in 2 sets of an Isolation movement if you feel the need.
    -Also, try playing around with the reps. Using low reps on arms usually means that you use too heavy of a weight and have shitty form. Higher reps ensure that you use a lighter weight, but your form will be really good (at least for the first 8-10 reps of the set)


    Chest-incline bb 4 sets of 6-8 like hypertrophy suggested probably up the rep ranger here at first..
    flat db 4 sets of 6-8
    cables 4 sets of 6-8
    dips 4 sets of 6-8

    -Try DB incline here. BB Incline tends to let you use too much shoulder and tricep. If you do use BB, use the Smith Machine to help keep the weight in the right plane. I also like doing Smith or DB incline because it allows you to use an adjustable bench so that you can lower the angle of the incline. I like mine at about 30-35% incline.
    -Everything else looks O.K. but I would really limit the cable movements to 2 sets and push them to the end of your workout. Take the reps to 12-15.
    -Don't forget to throw in Decline every once in a while. I would substitute it for Flat bench when you do it.

    Triceps-Tricep pushdowns 4 sets of 6-8
    Skull crushers 4 sets of 6-8
    Close grip bench press 4 sets of 6-8

    [b] Not too bad here but I would change it up like this:
    -If you are going to do CGB then put it first in your routine (as with all heavy compound movements). Rep range is good here.
    - Take the sets on skull crushers down to 3. Up the range to 8-10
    - I love pushdowns although many will not advocate them to build mass. Vary up your grip on these, sometimes do them with a reverse grip as well. Again, take the sets down to 3./b]

    Shoulders-Front raises 4 sets of 6-8
    Side raises 4 sets of 6-8
    reverse flies 4 sets of 6-8
    Maybe 4 sets of presses depending if i have pain or not..

    Need some work on the shoulder routine. Let's do this:
    -Take out the front raises, you get enough front delt work on your chest day and when you do Military shoulder press.
    - You need to start your workout with the compound movement (Shoulder press). Make sure you warm up really good though. Every once in a while it is o.k. to do lateral first if you want to pre-exhaust.
    -Take the reps on the lateral up to at least 10
    -Throw in your upright rows here 3x8-10
    -If your going to do reverse flies for rear delts, take the sets down to 2 with rep range 8-12


    Legs- Calf raises 4 sets of 6
    squats- 4 sets of 6
    leg presses- 4 sets of 6
    hamstring exercise maybe 2 not sure which ones.

    -Squats are great, my favorite, but I don't like your rep range. Legs respond to higher reps or HEAVY weight. I would suggest higher reps because you won't tend to sacrifice form on them. It hurts like hell, but it works. Do 2 light warm-up sets followed by 4-5 working sets. Keeps reps in the 10-12 range if you can. Maybe work down to a 6-8 rep set.
    -You need straight leg deads here. Don't go too heavy on these, it's the biggest mistake I see. Form is VERY important on these. Go light until you can feel the muscle working and you get the right form.
    - throw in 3 sets each of leg extensions and leg curls 10-15 reps and you should be toasted.

    ***This is just my personal opinion on the workout you have laid out. Every person will respond differently to weight training. Find the method that works best for you. My statements are only a guide to the basic foundation of a good weight training program. Do your research and don't be afraid to try new things.

    Last edited by Triple X; 11-19-2006 at 07:05 PM.

  18. #18
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    Thank you very much!!
    Is upright rows for shoulders the same as shrugs??

  19. #19
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    No they are not, however they do incorporate a lot of traps. Do them with your traps for best results. The narrower the grip, the more traps you involve.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    No they are not, however they do incorporate a lot of traps. Do them with your traps for best results. The narrower the grip, the more traps you involve.
    Okay thanks again..

  21. #21
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    One more thing I didn't mention. I think by hitting multiple muscle groups in a day is too much with this volume of training. If you want a 3 day split I highly suggest looking into the HIT training method. It works quite well

  22. #22
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    Anyone else want to put their ยข2 in?????

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