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Thread: Inner chest woes

  1. #1

    Inner chest woes

    Im sure everyone has/comes along this problem sometime. My chest has good size and definition lower outer and upper out, but the dreaded upper-inner chest feels like nothing but chest bone. Are there any workouts i can jumpstart or spot train just my upper-inner chest just below where my collar bones come together?

  2. #2
    I think spot training is more of a myth than anything. If your upper/inner chest is weak I think it has more to do with genetics than anything else. I have huge biceps but no peaks whatsoever. You may want to try close grip bench press. Although I don't believe in isolating certains areas of a muscle this will be the exercise others will tell you to do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frisco, TX
    I've had great success in developing my inner chest by doing what I've advertised in my thread below:

    Really squeeze the dumbells together as you press them!

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    I was in the same boat as you added incline fly with a squeeze at the top of the movement. As an added benifit I rotated the dumbells. So it is squeeze with a rotation. I would start out small weight and focus on the movement. The weight does not need to be heavy.
    hope this helps

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ghostdog128
    I think spot training is more of a myth than anything. If your upper/inner chest is weak I think it has more to do with genetics than anything else. I have huge biceps but no peaks whatsoever. You may want to try close grip bench press. Although I don't believe in isolating certains areas of a muscle this will be the exercise others will tell you to do.
    Agreed, genetics play a huge role in chest development. Different workouts just add variation to stimulate growth.

  6. #6
    Genetics indeed. I finally got cut up and every part of my chest looks different when compared to the other side. I have a square shaped right pec, and a more rounded left, lots of inner left, more outter right.... i would never win in a competition....

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