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Thread: How much Cardio

  1. #1

    How much Cardio

    I am curious how much cardio i need to do to maintain my BF% while i am on my bulking diet. Trying to avoid having to cut for such a long period of time due to excess BF that in turn i lose all my hard work work with muscle atrophy.

    I currently eat around 33-4200 cals a day, would i need to also make up the cals for what i burn during cardio? And Cardio every day?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frisco, TX
    Honestly, only you can truly decipher the amount of cardio that you need. You must listen to your own body and adjust your regimen accordingly. A good start would be to have an understanding of your required maintenance calories. Things that also have to be considered are your genetics and your metabolism rate. If you're very sceptible of storing fat, then you'll most likely need more cardio than the guy who hardly ever puts on fat. If you're eating 3300-4200 a day, then you're most likely a pretty big guy. Also, if your diet is fluctuating daily by nearly 1000 calories, then that inconsistency may also cause you to store more fat than say a steady daily intake of whatever calories that you need to achieve your goals.

    For me, personally, I use the "feel" scale to determine my cardio requirements. If I start to feel heavy and out of shape, then I'll add or increase my cardio.

    Good luck!

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