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Thread: UberLifting Journal

  1. #321
    Join Date
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    February 6th Tuesday 2007

  2. #322
    Join Date
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    Nutrition Avarages for last 7 days

    Calorie - 2533/day
    Fat - 60.6g/day
    Carb - 295.7g/day
    Protein - 191.4g/day
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 02-07-2007 at 02:59 PM.

  3. #323
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Which technique do You guys use ? Yes I know I have a mad drawing skillz. Make sure to maximize the picture!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Barbell.JPG 
Views:	53 
Size:	37.3 KB 
ID:	78175  

  4. #324
    lol at u drawing that...first one

  5. #325
    Why sad face?

    Well..reason being is this. You say you slack on your diet sometimes and you need to eat more. You have made great gains thus far with a good training routine, but you have yet to experience explosive natty gains with a great diet and plenty of cals in your stomach. I know you're gonna do what you're gonna do..just my opinion. I say you get serious with your diet for about a year or so, and then you'll see how much you can still grow naturally. IMO you gotta know how to grow natty before you throw gear in there.

    Just tryin to help you're a cool dude and all so again..dont take my advice (or attempt at it) and anything but constructive

  6. #326
    Try logging your diet each day in this thread...I and others will look over it and tell you whats good and what needs work. You truly have no idea what you are capable of until you have a good grasp on nutrition...

  7. #327
    Join Date
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    That is so true.
    Well, that was I was planing to do. You think 7 months is bit too short to see how much I can go naturally ?
    Because I don't want to start untill AT LEAST September, which is about 7 month of heavy lifting and dieting to come. I will do this to see and IF I will be still getting a good gains and results by september - october, than I will hold off on the cycle untill the gains will stop going up.
    Definetly wont rush into it. Been holding off and getting ready since 2005 and it was well worth it.

    I really appreciate that comment Chest! Means a lot!
    You're a good man!
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 02-07-2007 at 02:57 PM.

  8. #328
    No prob man. Just wanna see you succeed..your a cool guy.

    No doubt you'll still be gaining by then. I know you get anxious to want to hop on some test, but it'll be worth the wait. I don't see why you couldn't be 240 or higher by this time next year

  9. #329
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    No prob man. Just wanna see you succeed..your a cool guy.

    No doubt you'll still be gaining by then. I know you get anxious to want to hop on some test, but it'll be worth the wait. I don't see why you couldn't be 240 or higher by this time next year
    I agree, post up the diet and we will critique in your thread

    Dude, starting a cycle at 240, you'd be f-ing insanely huge!!

  10. #330
    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    Dude, starting a cycle at 240, you'd be f-ing insanely huge!!
    Thats the plan

  11. #331
    Join Date
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    Sounds like a great plan to me!
    Alright starting today, I will be posting up all the meals I am eating!
    Appreciate it fellas! I owe You big time!

  12. #332
    Join Date
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    February 7th Wednesday 2007

  13. #333
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    February 7th Wednesday 2007
    from eating???

  14. #334
    Join Date
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    OFF from eating? There is no such day in my Journal and there won't be one, ever.

  15. #335
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    ^^ uber, you never take random days off from eating???
    ...I usually take 3-4 days off at a time, killer strength gains!!!!

  16. #336
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    ^^ uber, you never take random days off from eating???
    ...I usually take 3-4 days off at a time, killer strength gains!!!!

    Damn, I'll give it a shot, but if strenght gains are so big, hell I'll go whole week without food!
    Should be able to max out on all my lifts!

  17. #337
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    February 8th Thursday 2007

    Barbell bench

    Incline D-bell bench
    80s x9
    80s x8
    80s x9

    BW+25 x7
    BW+25 x6

    Cable press down (110% Efficient machine)
    60x8 close grip
    60x8 wide grip
    70x4 close grip
    60x6 close grip

    Elbow out extensions
    25s x10
    25s x7

    Great session! Triceps destroyed....

  18. #338
    waiting for diet

  19. #339
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    waiting for diet
    Will post up my friend... as soon as I'll get home. It is definetly not a cleanest bulker.

  20. #340
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Nutrition Avarages for last 7 days
    2845 Calories
    66.5g Fat
    348g Carbohydrates
    203g Protein

    Slowhy going up, making up the crappy days.

    Diet for Feb 8th Thursday 2007
    Well this one is not that great, didn't have time at all to get my food to work with me, totally changed plans on me. I had to eat something better than nothing.

    3oz Minced pork
    1 Plain bagel
    Foot long subway Over roasted chicken breast (tomatoe,mayo)
    2 small apple pies
    3 Tender roast chicken sandwitches from KFC Express
    3 Boiled potatoes
    1/2 Cup cottage cheese
    1 cup skim milk

    TOTAL: 3,326 Calories, 106g Fat, 342g Carb, 222g Protein


  21. #341
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Nutrition Avarages for last 7 days
    2845 Calories
    66.5g Fat
    348g Carbohydrates
    203g Protein

    Slowhy going up, making up the crappy days.

    Diet for Feb 8th Thursday 2007
    Well this one is not that great, didn't have time at all to get my food to work with me, totally changed plans on me. I had to eat something better than nothing.

    3oz Minced pork
    1 Plain bagel
    Foot long subway Over roasted chicken breast (tomatoe,mayo)
    2 small apple pies
    3 Tender roast chicken sandwitches from KFC Express
    3 Boiled potatoes
    1/2 Cup cottage cheese
    1 cup skim milk

    TOTAL: 3,326 Calories, 106g Fat, 342g Carb, 222g Protein

    dude, I'm cutting on 3,000 cals how in the hell are you bulking?

    No flame, but that is the worst diet I have seen in a long time let's write you up a new diet

  22. #342
    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    dude, I'm cutting on 3,000 cals how in the hell are you bulking?

    No flame, but that is the worst diet I have seen in a long time let's write you up a new diet :7up:
    Yep. Apple pie? Cmon uber. People say you don't need as much protein as you hear here to grow..Im for that but this 180g stuff won't get you anywhere. Sure carb manipulation is probably more important than amt of protein...but a lot of these carbs are simple sugar.

    You say you want to run gear Uber, looking at this diet I say no'd be wasting your time. AGAIN! Dont take this the wrong way buddy Im very willing to help you.

  23. #343
    Join Date
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    This was the horrible day! Like I said I didn't have NOTHING on me all day. Had to eat SOMETHING!

    Alright Alright...
    Here it is.. what I want to do... I will post up values later..

    6:00am 1/2 cup oats, 1cup skim milk, 1 banana, 1 scoop whey
    Go back to bed

    8:30am 8 eggs

    12noon WW begel, 1/2 big can of tuna (40g protein from half can),1/4 cup Dry cottage cheese (no fat)

    3:00pm 3/4 cup oats, 1 banana, 1cup skim milk, 1 scoop whey

    6:00pm WW bagel, 1/2 big can of tuna, 1/4 cup Dry cottage cheese

    6:30pm Workout

    PWO 80g Dex, 60g whey

    9:30pm 1/2 cup oats, 1 banana, 1 cup skim milk, 1 scoop whey

    12 Midnight 2 scoop whey, 1.5 Tbspn flax

    How is that diet ? This is what I know I can do...

    I got all the values saved on my PC, will count and post up later

    Starting tommorow...

    Sorry and Appreciate it...

    Uber -----> <---- Chest, Audis
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 02-09-2007 at 01:53 PM.

  24. #344
    bahh...add some food besides all those 1 scoop of whey(s?)

  25. #345
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    This was the horrible day! Like I said I didn't have NOTHING on me all day. Had to eat SOMETHING!

    Alright Alright...
    Here it is.. what I want to do... I will post up values later..

    6:00am 1/2 cup oats, 1cup skim milk, 1 banana, 6oz chicken breast
    Go back to bed

    8:30am 8 eggs

    12noon WW begel, 1/2 big can of tuna (40g protein from half can),1/4 cup Dry cottage cheese (no fat)

    3:00pm 3/4 cup oats, 1 banana, 1cup skim milk, 6oz chicken breast

    6:00pm WW bagel, 1/2 big can of tuna, 1/4 cup Dry cottage cheese

    6:30pm Workout

    PWO 80g Dex, 60g whey

    9:30pm 1/2 cup oats, 1 banana, 1 cup skim milk, 6oz chicken breast

    12 Midnight 2 scoop whey, 1.5 Tbspn flax

    Uber -----> <---- Chest, Audis
    KFC got original chicken breasts, take skin off.. one is about 29g protein, min carb 1-2 g, 1 fat. Theyre only $3.24 already with tax, for 2 breasts.

  26. #346
    personally i wouldnt eat anything from matter what

    Not a big fan of milk either

  27. #347
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    personally i wouldnt eat anything from matter what
    Why is that? Aren't protein well protein?
    I need to figure something out, I just can't stand grilled chicken anymore the one I make at home. I am sick of it. KFC is fairly cheap and tastes bit different.
    I'll try some damn dressing or honey mustard with the one I make at home see what I can come up with.

  28. #348
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    personally i wouldnt eat anything from matter what

    Not a big fan of milk either

    couple other things that I see...
    1) too much whey like chest spotted out
    2) too many carbs PWO, IMO
    3) rather than whey PWO, try switching to BCAA's and a high GI carb source
    4) for your last meal, eat something like salmon/steak
    5) drop the banana in your 9:30 meal and put it in your PWO or breakfast

  29. #349
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Alright, let's take a look.

    Get HUGE Uber Diet

    6:00 AM 1/2 Cup Oats, 1cup skim milk, 1 banana, 3.8oz chicken breast
    [532 cal, 43 pro, 8 fat, 70 carb]

    8:45 AM 2 whole large eggs, 6 egg whites
    [380 cal, 42 pro, 9 fat, 5 carb]

    12:00 PM Bagel, 1/4 tuna can, 1/4 cup dry cottage
    [460 cal, 40 pro, 6 fat, 61 carb]

    3:00 PM 1/2 Cup Oats, 1cup skim milk, 1 banana, 3.8oz chicken breast
    [532 cal, 43 pro, 8 fat, 70 carb]

    6:00 PM Bagel, 1/4 tuna can, 1/4 cup dry cottage
    [460 cal, 40 pro, 6 fat, 61 carb]

    6:30 PM WORKOUT

    7:30 PM PWO Bagel, 1/2 tuna can, 1/4 dry cottage
    [600 cal, 60 pro, 11 fat, 66 carb]

    9:45 PM 1/2 Cup Oats, 1cup skim milk, 3.8oz chicken breast
    [400 cal, 42 pro, 8 fat, 40 carb]

    12:00 AM Sirloin lean only, broiled, 5oz.
    [350 cal, 56 pro, 14 fat, 0 carb]

    TOTAL: 3648 Calories, 365g Protein, 358g Carbohydrates, 70g Fat

    Damn, I think I got bigger just by writing this diet. This will be tuff to keep up.

    What do You guys think of that ? Any other adjustments?

  30. #350
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Alright, let's take a look.

    Get HUGE Uber Diet

    6:00 AM 1/2 Cup Oats, 1cup skim milk, 1 banana, 3.8oz chicken breast
    [532 cal, 43 pro, 8 fat, 70 carb]
    I would drop this down to more like 50-55g carbs. Keep it simple, do something like chicken/1 cup oats
    8:45 AM 2 whole large eggs, 6 egg whites
    [380 cal, 42 pro, 9 fat, 5 carb]
    fine, might add something else here.
    12:00 PM Bagel, 1/4 tuna can, 1/4 cup dry cottage
    [460 cal, 40 pro, 6 fat, 61 carb]
    If you do fine with cottage cheese, keep it. If not (like me) then drop it. I would use a lower GI source of carbs here...oats are great!3:00 PM 1/2 Cup Oats, 1cup skim milk, 1 banana, 3.8oz chicken breast
    [532 cal, 43 pro, 8 fat, 70 carb]
    again, just do something like chicken/oats
    6:00 PM Bagel, 1/4 tuna can, 1/4 cup dry cottage
    [460 cal, 40 pro, 6 fat, 61 carb]
    same as your 3 o'clock meal
    6:30 PM WORKOUT

    7:30 PM PWO Bagel, 1/2 tuna can, 1/4 dry cottage
    [600 cal, 60 pro, 11 fat, 66 carb]
    Drop the cottage cheese. Do a white bagel PWO. I do 2 pieces white bread with 1 TB jam and BCAA's
    9:45 PM 1/2 Cup Oats, 1cup skim milk, 3.8oz chicken breast
    [400 cal, 42 pro, 8 fat, 40 carb]
    drop the milk
    12:00 AM Sirloin lean only, broiled, 5oz.
    [350 cal, 56 pro, 14 fat, 0 carb]
    good. Add green beans or broccoli here.
    TOTAL: 3648 Calories, 365g Protein, 358g Carbohydrates, 70g Fat

    Damn, I think I got bigger just by writing this diet. This will be tuff to keep up.

    What do You guys think of that ? Any other adjustments?
    I really like your final numbers. Good gawd!! if I drank that much dairy, i'd be a walking michelin man Just my opinion, Chest will help out better. Good luck and hit me back.

  31. #351
    Join Date
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    Damn man, this is a lot of food and commitment just by keeping up such diet.
    It is tuff, I tried while ago, well, guess what failed every time to keep it for longer than 2 weeks.
    Time to get serious, and keep it up for good.
    Especially that I work only from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm. I have fridge at work and everything else, plenty of time because I'm done with school.
    Went shopping today, got everything I need.
    Starting tommorow!
    I have to do this.

    Do You guys think it is possible for me to get up to 245 Lbs @ 15BF in 12 months from now? It means... 21 extra lbs of muscle.
    Man If I did that.. I would cut down to 11BF and do my test cycle.. gain extra 25, and cut again down to 10. Holy crap I would be big. Damn, nice dreams.... time to wake up.

    I did the adjustments Audis. Replace the bagels with 100 wheat bread and added plain white bagel as hi-GI PWO. Added green beans to the sirloin. Removed couple of bananas to lower carbs in the breakfast. I'll stick to cottage cheese though, since it is the only thing that allows me to eat my tune in such amounts, I cant stand it anymore, I need that cottage. Also milk replaced with water in my banana/oat shake.

    Thanks a lot for the help!

  32. #352
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Which technique do You guys use ? Yes I know I have a mad drawing skillz. Make sure to maximize the picture!


  33. #353
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Damn man, this is a lot of food and commitment just by keeping up such diet.
    It is tuff, I tried while ago, well, guess what failed every time to keep it for longer than 2 weeks.
    Time to get serious, and keep it up for good.
    Especially that I work only from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm. I have fridge at work and everything else, plenty of time because I'm done with school.
    Went shopping today, got everything I need.
    Starting tommorow!
    I have to do this.

    Do You guys think it is possible for me to get up to 245 Lbs @ 15BF in 12 months from now? It means... 21 extra lbs of muscle.
    Man If I did that.. I would cut down to 11BF and do my test cycle.. gain extra 25, and cut again down to 10. Holy crap I would be big. Damn, nice dreams.... time to wake up.

    I did the adjustments Audis. Replace the bagels with 100 wheat bread and added plain white bagel as hi-GI PWO. Added green beans to the sirloin. Removed couple of bananas to lower carbs in the breakfast. I'll stick to cottage cheese though, since it is the only thing that allows me to eat my tune in such amounts, I cant stand it anymore, I need that cottage. Also milk replaced with water in my banana/oat shake.

    Thanks a lot for the help!
    Ehh..maybe. I wouldnt say you'd gain 25lbs of solid muscle from test alone tho Thats almost 50lbs of muscle in 18 months..cmon now. I like your optimism but thats pretty steep again.

    As far as you saying you couldn't keep up with it. You now know what it takes. Basically just being consistent with it you will see your body start to change. I like your goals here but then you will say you don't know if you'll be able to keep up with diet. Well-gains and diet go hand and hand. You can't starve yourself and put on 50lbs of muscle in 18 months. Catch my drift??

  34. #354
    Join Date
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    I will keep it up, I just said that I have tried while ago, and it was very tuff, but with all this time I have now, I don't see a problem. Just get to it, get food ready day in advance, done deal.

    As far as gains yeah... that's a lot
    Well... @600mg test E /wk it avarages %16 increase in LBM, so if My LBM will be at 200 Lbs 12 months from now which means about 13lbs of lean muscle in 12 months, than start the TEST E cycle so... this beeing said... %16 of 200 is well..
    33Lbs of lean mass on avarage.. if done right. Hell if I will gain total of 30Lbs of muscle in TOTAL after year of dieting and than cycle, I will be very happy. 30 Lbs of muscle gotta be noticable! See, that's why I always aim so high, because even though I wont make it, I will get pretty high in the end. So I can get pretty damn big If I'll be serious about it. I feel pretty lucky with the stats I am starting with.. I mean 6`3 @ 221 15BF that's a good start. Can't imagine beeing 160lbs. Poor guys out there man... Gotta be tuff... I really appreciate what I got! It is just not quite enough
    Well gotta gain 1lb of muscle each month!

    Nark, I see that You do agree on the mad drawing skillz haha!
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 02-09-2007 at 11:31 PM.

  35. #355
    Join Date
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    February 9th Friday 2007

  36. #356
    Join Date
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    February 10th Saturday 2007

  37. #357
    Join Date
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    February 11th Sunday 2007

  38. #358
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    nothin like off days...hit it hard tomorrow bro!

  39. #359
    3 in a row ?

  40. #360
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Yes, I call it a RESET... of my diet, and routine. Cleared my body off this crappy food I ate lately. My back seems to be fine, no more pain.
    Tommorow I will destroy my chest and triceps.

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