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Thread: UberLifting Journal

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    UberLifting Journal

    Hey guys I know everyone was waiting for this for such long time
    Yeah Right

    Anyways.. I just wanted to add my online keep myself more motivated.. Gotta 1 year to look like a beast! Im not that advanced as far as working out (weak) so it might help some of the other noobs on this website... any questions nooblets, feel free to ask !
    Plus I will learn from some PRO guys suggestions. Going on to the gym right after this post.. will keep updating!

    Day1 Chest/Triceps
    Day2 Back/Biceps
    Day3 Legs/Glutes
    Day4 Shoulders/Traps
    Day5 OFF

    Stats: 23 years old, 207LBs, %16 BF 6`3 Tall
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 11-19-2006 at 09:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Cool, keep us updated. Days 6 and 7 off as well or you restarting day 1 after your day off?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Looking foward to reading bro

    Question.. Why not throw in a rest day on day 3?

    4 days hard training is rough CNS-wise


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by S-deuce
    Cool, keep us updated. Days 6 and 7 off as well or you restarting day 1 after your day off?
    Yes it restarts to Day 1 again

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Looking foward to reading bro

    Question.. Why not throw in a rest day on day 3?

    4 days hard training is rough CNS-wise

    See I was off the gym for 2 months, for now it wont be too hard of a training. I want to get my CNS used it all that stress. But I will definetly take Day 3 as a day OFF as soon as Ill be rolling! Thanks for a great advice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I'll be watching..stopping in from time to time

    Good luck man


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    On the barbell
    Nov 19
    Warm-up 15 push-ups
    Warm-up set 135Lbsx10 (very slow)
    185Lbs x 8
    205Lbs x 4
    185Lbs x 8
    185Lbs x 7

    Incline bench (this really needs work)
    135Lbs x 10 (1 sec static at the bottom of the rep)
    135Lbs x 10 (1 sec .... )
    135Lbs x 7 (2 sec ..... )

    Decline press machine
    95Lbs x 10 (1 sec static half rep)
    125Lbs x 7 (2 sec.....)
    110Lbs x 8 (2 sec.....)

    Flys machine
    100Lbs x 8
    120Lbs x 9 ( 2 sec static )
    60Lbs x 20 (very slow)


    Lying triceps extensions

    Sitting triceps extensions
    35Lbs x10
    55Lbs x8

    Elbow out extensions
    25Lbsx8 each arm

    Reverse grip single hand cable pressdowns ( no breaks between sets )
    20Lbs x8 Right Arm
    x8 Left Arm
    x5 RA
    x5 LA
    x3 RA
    x3 LA (1 assisted)

    Good workout, feels good to be back
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 11-20-2006 at 12:06 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Good session

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Im going to workout my back and biceps today. I got a question about the dead lift. Would You suggest doing it first before doing anything else ?

  10. #10
    I dont like legs after back. NO way I could do that. My lower back feels it for at least 2-3 days after back day. I cant squat if my lower back isn't fresh. Dont like 4 days in a row period.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    ^^ I don't like it..but i've done it.

    It's tought tho.

    Ubersteroids.. as to your question, your positioning of the deadlift: first in the workout would be best imo.


  12. #12
    Yeah..Ive done it too...really hard to hit impressive squat nuimbers or to even hit legs effectively without the back giving out first..

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    ^^ I don't like it..but i've done it.

    It's tought tho.

    Ubersteroids.. as to your question, your positioning of the deadlift: first in the workout would be best imo.

    Yeah thats what Ive been doing. Ive tried to do deadlift in the middle or later during my workout session, but I was so exhausted by then, it wasnt even worth trying deadlift. Good, thanks.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    On the barbell
    November 20th


    Warm-up bar only x10
    135Lbs x 10
    135Lbs x 10
    145Lbs x 8
    115Lbs x 8 (tempo 2 sec down, explode up)

    Dumbbell pullovers lying
    25Lbs ea x 8
    25Lbs ea x 7

    Lying dumbbell rows (slightly incline)
    25Lbs ea x 10 (1sec static)
    35Lbs ea x 10 (1sec static)
    35Lbs ea x 7 (2sec static)

    Bent-over barbell rows
    115Lbs x 7
    115Lbs x 6 (last 2 reps 3 sec static)

    Cable face pulls wide grip
    50Lbs x 10
    100Lbs x 12

    Standing full barbell curls
    95Lbs x 4 ( ouch )
    75Lbs x 8
    75Lbs x 7
    75Lbs x 7 failure

    Standing hammer dumbbell curls + ARM BLASTER
    35Lbs ea x 5 (damn its tuff)
    35Lbs ea x 5 (nice and slow, squeeze the muscle on the top of the rep)

    Preacher curls EZ curl bar
    60Lbs x 9 (twisitng wrists in, makes such difference)
    60Lbs x 7 failure

    Reverse grip EZ curl bar
    60Lbs x 5 failure
    60Lbs x 4 failure

    Finish off with 25Lbs dumbbells
    7reps each arm (3 reps reverse grip,2 reps hammer, 2 reps regular)

    Man Im pumped ! Feels good!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I think it's time to prioritise.

    You deadlift and row only a little bit more than you curl.

    Not a flame..just an observation.

    Being that both of the former are multijoint..and latter isn't... i think it's time to evaluate your regime.


  16. #16
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    Yeah I know. To be honest... I dont think that I ever really worked out. Well maybe some times in the past, but that wasnt a real workout. The thing is when I was working out, I totally let my shoulders go, my back, legs, not even talking about abs. I just focused on chest, bis and triceps, everything else wasnt intense at all, I have plenty to work on. I bet You if I went to cutting diet and brought my fat from %15.6 to %9 I would look like a freak, because of my arms and chest beeing bigger than everything else, it just wouldnt look right. But yes, I know I have plenty of work to do.
    How would You prioritise this ? Explain.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    If I may....I might suggest working a lift like deads with a 5x5 schedule...

    meaning next time, go 135x10, 145x5,150x5,155x5,160x5,165x5...then each week try to increase,,,just a thought.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the suggestion Columbus. See I just like to jump out of my normal weight for example:
    I do this to prepare my muscle for a soon increase in weight for this whole exercise. It works well for me.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    On the barbell
    Nov 21

    Sitting dumbbell press:
    Warm-up 35Lbs ea x 10
    55Lbs ea x 10
    55Lbs ea x 8
    55Lbs ea x8

    Alt. Upright row
    35Lbs ea x 9
    35Lbs ea x 10

    L-Laterals dumbbells
    25Lbs ea x 10
    35Lbs ea x 7

    Arnold Presses
    25Lbs ea x 8
    25Lbs ea x 7
    35Lbs ea x 6

    Side raises
    25Lbs ea x 8

    Shrugs dumbbell
    60Lbs ea x 10
    60Lbs ea x 17

    Damn my shoulders need some heave work.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I think it's time to prioritise.

    You deadlift and row only a little bit more than you curl.

    Not a flame..just an observation.

    Being that both of the former are multijoint..and latter isn't... i think it's time to evaluate your regime.

    Yep. Take off the obsession that most beginners have with biceps/arms and really focus on the big bodyparts. Back/legs are my fav days

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Oh yeah, Im over with that. These are just the results from the past workouts, which were not really workouts. Man when i did my chest, back, leg, shoulder workout about week ago, I was so freaking tired and i could just feel these muscle in my body, before it felt like i didnt have a back or shoulders and i realized that i never really worked out in my whole life . Well better to realize this now than later, im 23, If I can bench 325Lbs x4, squat 350Lbs, dead lift 450 Lbs, shoulder press 135Lbs by age of 25, im good.
    I really appreciate You guys checking up on me, and popping up with new suggestions.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    On the barbell
    Nov 22
    Legs I

    Leg Press
    90Lbs x20
    180Lbs x20
    270Lbs x10
    360Lbs x5

    Leg Extensions
    80Lbs x7
    80Lbs x9
    60Lbs x12

    Leg Curls
    95Lbs x 14
    125Lbs x7
    95Lbs x8

    Oh man, hard to walk just after this. Im a TOTAL leg noobie. I think I did squats like 3 time all my life, leg press probably like 10 times.
    Hah I can acctualy feel that I have muscle in my legs while I walk

  23. #23
    4 plates on leg press eh? Ull get there

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Las Vegas
    Where are the squats?????
    Looks like a good training log, stay with it!!!!

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    On the barbell
    Thanks fellas!
    For now I have to split the leg workout for Leg I and Leg II workouts.
    Just to get used to everything.
    Leg I Workout will be Leg extensions, Leg curls, Leg press
    Leg II Workout will be Squats and calves at the same day
    Ill give it a month or two, then try to get them all together. For now, I am not ready, I would break my legs in the half

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Thanks fellas!
    For now I have to split the leg workout for Leg I and Leg II workouts.
    Just to get used to everything.
    Leg I Workout will be Leg extensions, Leg curls, Leg press
    Leg II Workout will be Squats and calves at the same day
    Ill give it a month or two, then try to get them all together. For now, I am not ready, I would break my legs in the half
    You do know that's bullshit right?

    Get up.. and get to squatting.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    You do know that's bullshit right?

    Get up.. and get to squatting.
    Damn, I guess I will get to squatting my next leg workout, You know better bro. Thanks, see I need someone to encourage me like this!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Nov 24
    Flat Barbell Bench
    135Lbs x 10 ( 2 sec static )
    185Lbs x 10
    205Lbs x 5
    185Lbs x 8 ( ahh damn it, my left shoulder cracked, it hurts )
    185Lbs x 7

    Incline Barbell
    155Lbs x 5 ( damn pain, can`t do it )
    135Lbs x 8
    135Lba x 8

    Decline Machine press
    95Lbs x 12
    110Lbs x 10
    125Lbs x 10
    110Lbs x 6 (extra wide grip )
    95Lbs x 7

    Sitting tricep extensions
    35Lbs x 10
    55Lbs x 8
    55Lbs x 8

    Elbow out extensions
    25Lbs x 4ea (no break between sets)
    20Lbs x 7ea

    Cable press down (20 sec breaks)
    50Lbs x 12 (2 sec press down, 3 sec release up)
    60Lbs x 8 ( same tempo)
    70Lbs x 2 (3 sec press down, 7 sec release up)
    40Lbs x 9

    Reverse grip single hand cable
    15Lbs x 8ea (no break)
    10Lbs x 12ea

    15Lbs x 6ea (no break)
    15Lbs x 4 ea

    Looks like I improved since last time already, only thing is that damn shoulder cracked and was so painfull. I think I didnt give my shoulders enough time to rest.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    On the barbell
    Nov 26
    Bicpes 11:00 am

    Standing barbell curls
    85Lbs x 8
    85Lbs x 8
    85Lbs x 5
    85Lbs x4

    Standing hammer curls
    35Lbs x 6ea
    35Lbs x 5ea
    35Lbs x 6ea

    Standing cable curls
    50Lbs x 10
    100Lbs x 100
    150Lbs x 6
    120Lbs x 6
    100Lbs x 6

    Reverse grip cable curls
    60Lbs x 12
    80Lbs x 8

    Close grip cable curls
    60Lbs x 11
    60Lbs x 8

    Back 10:00pm

    Bar only x 15
    135Lbs x 10
    185Lbs x 10
    205Lbs x 8

    Dumbbell lying pullovers
    25Lbs x 10ea
    35Lbs x 5ea
    25Lbs x 8ea

    Lying incline dummbell rows
    25Lbs x 10 (1 sec static)
    35Lbs x 10

    Bent over barbell rows
    135Lbs x 6
    115Lbs x 10

    Wide grip face cable pulls
    100Lbs x 8
    75Lbs x 20

    Not bad not bad.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Nov 27

    Dumbbell press
    55Lbs ea x 10
    55Lbs ea x 10
    55Lbs ea x 10
    65Lbs ea x 10
    65Lbs ea x 8

    Alt. upright row
    25Lbs ea x 10
    35Lbs ea x 10
    35Lbs ea x 10

    Arnold press
    25Lbs ea x 10
    25Lbs ea x 10

    For some reason I cannot feel my bi`s too much after yesterday. So I did bit extra set today

    Reverse grip cable curls
    60Lbs x 10
    80Lbs x 10
    100Lbs x 8
    90Lbs x 10

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Nov 27

    Dumbbell press
    55Lbs ea x 10
    55Lbs ea x 10
    55Lbs ea x 10
    65Lbs ea x 10
    65Lbs ea x 8

    Alt. upright row
    25Lbs ea x 10
    35Lbs ea x 10
    35Lbs ea x 10

    Arnold press
    25Lbs ea x 10
    25Lbs ea x 10

    For some reason I cannot feel my bi`s too much after yesterday. So I did bit extra set today

    Reverse grip cable curls
    60Lbs x 10
    80Lbs x 10
    100Lbs x 8
    90Lbs x 10
    I wouldnt do that. JMO tho. Sometimes people will have a crappy workout then try to do it the next day. I dont like the idea of hitting a muscle two days in row regardles of how it feels. You hit let it be done until the next session. Again, JMO someone else may feel differently.

  32. #32
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    Yeah, I know what You mean, I usually don`t do that.
    I`d like to know one thing, lets say just like on my biceps day, I workout hard, when I am almost done with all the sets for my BIs I can barely do 10 reps with 25 Lbs on curls, thats how beat my bis are, so why is that i don`t feel it next day ? Am I not working out hard enough ? I mean if I can`t lift 35Lbs on curls anymore.. becasue muscle is so fatiqued than what is it ?
    I think the way would be to do more sets with bit more breaks in between, that way I give the muscle time between sets what will let me do more sets, more sets - better beating, but gotta watch not to over-train it.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    For some reason I cannot feel my bi`s too much after yesterday. So I did bit extra set today
    Bad move.

    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Yeah, I know what You mean, I usually don`t do that.
    I`d like to know one thing, lets say just like on my biceps day, I workout hard, when I am almost done with all the sets for my BIs I can barely do 10 reps with 25 Lbs on curls, thats how beat my bis are, so why is that i don`t feel it next day ? Am I not working out hard enough ? I mean if I can`t lift 35Lbs on curls anymore.. becasue muscle is so fatiqued than what is it ?
    I think the way would be to do more sets with bit more breaks in between, that way I give the muscle time between sets what will let me do more sets, more sets - better beating, but gotta watch not to over-train it.
    You've a flawed concept.

    The goal of training is to stimulate muscle growth..not to annihilate the muscle.

    This is what you're doing..

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    You've a flawed concept.

    The goal of training is to stimulate muscle growth..not to annihilate the muscle.

    This is what you're doing..
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Yeah, I know what You mean, I usually don`t do that.
    I`d like to know one thing, lets say just like on my biceps day, I workout hard, when I am almost done with all the sets for my BIs I can barely do 10 reps with 25 Lbs on curls, thats how beat my bis are, so why is that i don`t feel it next day ? Am I not working out hard enough ? I mean if I can`t lift 35Lbs on curls anymore.. becasue muscle is so fatiqued than what is it ?
    I think the way would be to do more sets with bit more breaks in between, that way I give the muscle time between sets what will let me do more sets, more sets - better beating, but gotta watch not to over-train it.
    This is your problem. You are overtraining IMO. I overtrained for years..I NEVER got sore. I was always achy and no gains..and never got sore. Cut back the sets by 1/2 at least...hike up the intensity and get back to me

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Nov 29
    Chest - Triceps

    Flat barbell
    135Lbs x 10
    205Lbs x 6
    205Lbs x 4
    185Lbs x 7
    185Lbs x 6

    Incline barbell
    135Lbs x 8
    155Lbs x 6
    135Lbs x 7

    Decline press machine
    110Lbs x 8
    125Lbs x 7
    125Lbs x 6
    110Lbs x 9
    95Lbs x 8

    Flys machine
    120Lbs x 5
    100Lbs x 7
    80Lbs x 9
    80Lbs x 8


    Kneeling curl bar extensions
    35Lbs x 10
    65Lbs x 6
    55Lbs x 6
    45Lbs x 8

    Cable press down
    60Lbs x 6
    50Lbs x 10
    55Lbs x 5
    50Lbs x 8

    Reverse grip single hand cable press down ( no breaks between sets )

    15Lbs ea x 9
    15Lbs ea x 5

    15Lbs ea x 7
    15Lbs ea x 5

    Single hand press down ( negatives )

    30Lbs ea x 3 ( 4 sec from top of the rep to straigh arm )

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Damn guys, I love deadlift, ever since I started doing it and it its been only about 2 - 3 sessions, I can just feel more stable and my body more firm whenever I lift, It really helps in overall training. Especially helps me with standing barbell curls bcause I always keep very strict position with this, not bending over at all, and before I used to feel my lower back getting tired from holding that strict straight position. I love this exercise. Like I said 3 sessions only, first one I was doing 135Lbs on dead lift later some 185Lbs felt hard at first, but already on the second and third session I lifted 205Lbs without any kind of pain. Today Im going for 255Lbs!
    Deadlift is one of my favorite exercises now thats for sure!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    make sure to hit your back FIRST

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Yes Sir, thats what I've been doing.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Damn guys, I love deadlift, ever since I started doing it and it its been only about 2 - 3 sessions, I can just feel more stable and my body more firm whenever I lift, It really helps in overall training. Especially helps me with standing barbell curls bcause I always keep very strict position with this, not bending over at all, and before I used to feel my lower back getting tired from holding that strict straight position. I love this exercise. Like I said 3 sessions only, first one I was doing 135Lbs on dead lift later some 185Lbs felt hard at first, but already on the second and third session I lifted 205Lbs without any kind of pain. Today Im going for 255Lbs!
    Deadlift is one of my favorite exercises now thats for sure!
    Yep. Just make sure to keep everything locked up..dont round your back whatsoever. Keep the form good.

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