I have taken the last 8 weeks off from shoulders, and have the past 5 weeks off from chest.. Been doing light chest for the past 3 weeks. My left rear delt still hurts like hell when i do any heavy pushing motion (like bench) also bent lateral raises.Bad pain.
My Doc says that i need to stengthen my rotator. So I have been focusing on that for the past 2 weeks.
Ok long story, try to make it shorter... I still hurt like hell!
I can't wait any longer for it to heal, it dosn't seem to get much better w/ the time off.
I plan to start my cycle next week. I have deca, thinking of preloading the deca for a week 400mg? Then start the rest of the test/d-ball/ deca stack.
Hopeing the deca will help w/ soreness. OR SHOULD I GET A SHOT OF CORTIZONE FROM MY DR. It felt good last time he did it.