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Thread: Rear Delt and rotator... pain Please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Angry Rear Delt and rotator... pain Please

    I have taken the last 8 weeks off from shoulders, and have the past 5 weeks off from chest.. Been doing light chest for the past 3 weeks. My left rear delt still hurts like hell when i do any heavy pushing motion (like bench) also bent lateral raises.Bad pain.
    My Doc says that i need to stengthen my rotator. So I have been focusing on that for the past 2 weeks.

    Ok long story, try to make it shorter... I still hurt like hell!
    I can't wait any longer for it to heal, it dosn't seem to get much better w/ the time off.
    I plan to start my cycle next week. I have deca, thinking of preloading the deca for a week 400mg? Then start the rest of the test/d-ball/ deca stack.

    Hopeing the deca will help w/ soreness. OR SHOULD I GET A SHOT OF CORTIZONE FROM MY DR. It felt good last time he did it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Bigtraps-No don't get a cortisone shot. May help short term but they're not good for the joints and if it is a tear/strain then the shot won't help it heal unless you leave it alone. If it is a rotator, and in that position sounds like infraspinatus or teres minor. Both run across the rear of your scapula and attach to the humerous. Rehab is done many times with a rubber band (like surgical tubing). Attach the band to any object and stretch it out so that you're pulling it away from your body. Keep your elbow bent at 90 degrees. Use this as part of your warmup. I'd do both movements for a couple sets of 20. Ice it every day a couple times and I PROMISE it will heal unless it is bad enough to require surgery.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up

    I do simalar exersises in the gym with wieghts.. 10lb plate, lay on my side, arm at 90 degress, up & down real slow..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    BT here is my experience which is similar to yours. First of all listen to DB101 because he really knows what he's talking about when it comes to things like these.
    Before I started my first cycle I was having problems with my left rotator cuff. A good friend of mine who happens to be a licensed pysio therapist (no it's not ptbyjason) diagnosed it as a strained super spinatus (sp). He performed some active release therapy and I iced it did help. But I was impatient and impetuous and started my cycle before the pain was gone. Luckily the deca kicked in after 3 weeks and the pain gradually got less and less. By the time I had finished it was all but alleviated. 4 months later I'm training pain free. I guess what I'm saying is...the deca will help, but exhaust ALL other avenues first.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    I totally agree w/ all.
    But Pete, I am really happy to here about the deca! !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Awesome Hep guys ...As always Pete ... But DB has impressed me again ... I hope the lay-person can understand all the technical jargon ..... But great info brother ..

    I personally ( having had many shoulder problems due to completely destroying my dominate arm's rotator .... I would rehab a few more weeks B4 starting your cycle .... You don't want to start a well planned cycle ( crippled and limping ) ... knowing the AS will help with soreness ... This will only mask the underlying problem and may injure it more ... Any joint prob is serious ...please understand I am only giving advice and its yours to do with it as you like ,,,, I personally feel go into your cycle on top not from the bottom working up .... Good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Sometimes patience is a virtue that we all do not have.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Hang in there BT we've all been there. I personally have been stuggling with an AC tear in my left shoulder and it is 75 % healed after 17 months. WHY...because for 8 months after the injury I tried to work through it. It actually got worse before it has gotten better. If you DO use the deca later I'd be interested in the result a month or so afterward.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You can be sure i will keep all posted. thanks for all the concern.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Whatever you do, make sure to listen to your body. I had a partial tear in my right rotator about a year ago. My doc told me to go to Physical Therapy (byjason) hehe...jk. Anyway, i had to rehab for about 4 months and it finally got better. Mind you, i didn't have a lot of muscle in my shoulders for all the heavy pressing i was doing. I STILL today, warm up with the excercises that db101 told you to do. I still have my surgical tape and do both sides. Once, in a while (like yesterday for example), i'll get a minor twinge or tweak, I immediately stop my set, and go stretch, the pain went away before i started the next set.. Try icy hot i love that stuff!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by bigtraps
    I do simalar exersises in the gym with wieghts.. 10lb plate, lay on my side, arm at 90 degress, up & down real slow..
    I did the same thing when my rotator was messed up. I started every upper body workout with light warmups to the rotator cuff and now I incorporate it once a week with heavier weights. No pain since! Get well.

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