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Thread: Exercise for a girl

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell

    Exercise for a girl

    Hi guys.
    Ok I promised one of my girl friends to help her get in better shape she is already goin to the gym but I need to give her some better advice as far as how often to do the cardio and for how long each time she goes.
    I dont want to give her advice on something that Im not totally sure plus she is a girl.
    She is 20 years old ( no sick thoughts please im 23 okay ), 5`6 116 LBs, she looks good as it is, she just wants a nicer butt, loose little more off her butt and thigs.
    So I say 3 - 4 times a week 30 minutes each cardio session , plus some low Lbs leg extensions and curls ?

    Thanks fellas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Hi, I'm not a fella, but I have same problem areas. If she has fat to lose, I would recommend cardio in the morning on empty stomach, but it sounds like she's already pretty tiny. Squatting with the Smith machine has really improved my lower half (I do 4 or 5 sets of 12-15 with 50 lbs in weight), as well as lunges with 12 lb dumbells, then finish up with 15-20 minutes of cardio to burn some fat
    Last edited by prncezzml; 11-29-2006 at 02:31 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Im glad! That way I know what works the the girl!
    Appreciate it!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    exercise for a girl?

    My girl trains with me.. trains like me...and looks like a chick.

    Training doesn't differ.. only goals do.

    With reference to your friend.. even with minimal goals she needs to train her whole body.

    At minimum i'd say 3 training days per week.

    Weights 30 minutes.. cardio 30 minutes pwo.

    e.g. day 1: legs (3 exercises); abs (1 exercise); cardio
    day 2: chest (1 exercise); shoulders (1 exercise) ; tris (1 exercise); cardio
    Day 3: back (3 exercises); biceps (1 exercise); cardio


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