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Thread: Average delts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Question Average delts

    I need a Delt Killing workout. Any advice is appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by powerhead39
    I need a Delt Killing workout. Any advice is appreciated
    well i usually dont answer stupid questions because youve been training for 22 years and you should know its common sense.Do front military presses with a barbell.sets down to 2 reps if you can get 3 reps on your last set then its to light go frikkin heavy an fulllllllllllllllllllllllllllll range of motion all the way down and up.When you see someone in the gym doing half reps on anything frown on them like their frikkin idiots. then do barbell shrugs with heavy weight if you can do 225 on these then get raps and go up to 405 youll be suprised how much more you can hold with wraps.then use dumbbells and do bent lateral for the back delts always go heavy as you can with good form.and stay away from stupid iso extention cable bullshit.lift heavy to get thick and strong. do this to your shoulders every week for the next ten years and maybe theyll grow.It starts with a hardcore mental attitude so put yourself in danger everytime you get under the bar.

  3. #3
    Work your medial and posterior (rear) delts on the same day as chest, that way your anterior (front) delt gets hit during you chest work and you can really smash your medial/rear delt during the latter part of the workout.

    Heavy incline press or DB press works well at working both the chest and shoulders simultaneously.

    Angelripper: JMO, but I don't feel shrugs are really a good movement to do on a shoulder or chest day but rather back day since they are tied in with the back more-so than the shoulders.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Work your medial and posterior (rear) delts on the same day as chest, that way your anterior (front) delt gets hit during you chest work and you can really smash your medial/rear delt during the latter part of the workout.

    Heavy incline press or DB press works well at working both the chest and shoulders simultaneously.

    Angelripper: JMO, but I don't feel shrugs are really a good movement to do on a shoulder or chest day but rather back day since they are tied in with the back more-so than the shoulders.
    I think that's relative.

    Ironically,I think posterior delts are tied more in with back than delts...

  5. #5
    Yep, also one of the most overlooked, yet undertrained/(or in some cases)overtrained muscles in the body.

    Deff personal preference on this one IMO.

    Have to experiment with different routines and rest days to see what stimulates growth.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Strong Island, NY
    i never train front delts because i feel mine get sore after a heavy chest work out......rear delts i save for back day....usually do shrugs on shoulder day but i might try it out on back day for a while

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