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Thread: AM Cardio...PM lifting? AM cardio, AM lifting? PLEASE HELP!!!!!

  1. #1

    AM Cardio...PM lifting? AM cardio, AM lifting? PLEASE HELP!!!!!

    Ok, I am gonna start doing cardio on an empty stomach cuz I'm tryin to get very cut. I am already pretty ripped, but I want to take it to the next level. I play alot of basketball is where I get most of my cardio from. Here is my question...should I get up the morning, do cardio on an empty stomach, have a protein shake after that, and then lift...cuz it usually takes me a while to get loose anyways so cardio could be my AM fat burner while at the same time getting me loose to work out. Or, should I do cardio on an empty stomach in the AM, and lift weights later on in the day? I take NO shotgun before I work out, so if I work out at night, I probably won't be able to sleep with it having a serving of redline in it. If I take it in the morning, when should I take it? LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK please

  2. #2
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    A.M Cardio on an empty stomach is ideal for fatloss, but realistically for me that wasn't going to happen, even when I was getting ready for my show...So I just always tried to make sure that I lifted 1.5-2 hours after a meal....

    P.S. your diet is going to be much more indicitive of your fat loss success then your training....


  3. #3
    ok, so after I do my cardio, is it fine to have a protein shake, take some NO Shotgun and hit my work out

  4. #4
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    Yes...Although I Would go the whole food option post lift...which again prolly wont happen because you probably wont bring eggs, oatmeal, and a banana to the gym....

  5. #5
    No, I won't bring them to the gym, but I can make them the day before and have them ready for me when I get done. As far as my cardio goes....I've been doin the walking on an incline on the treadmill....I put it on fat burn and it calculates everything for you....heart rate and all. I am to believe that running is bad for you? What about post workout?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    so i dont necessarily have to do cardio in the am? i can do tha cardio after i lift?? i'm asking cuz if i do cardio in the am, i can forget about lifting later that day.....i found that out the hard way. couldnt lift for sh*t.....and carb cutting? geez my strength went out the window. was doing 275 for reps then cut carbs and bam!!!!! barely making 215. whats up with that?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaddySherles
    ok, so after I do my cardio, is it fine to have a protein shake, take some NO Shotgun and hit my work out
    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09

    This is the worst advice you've EVER given.

  8. #8
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    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by violator1
    so i dont necessarily have to do cardio in the am? i can do tha cardio after i lift???

    And to the thread orginator.. It'd be more feasible for you to do the same.

    A.m. cardio on an empty stomach.. followed by a hard weight session?

    That'd make no sense.

    Where would the glycogen come from for the weight-training session?

    Or is undecided09 suggesting that a post-cardio shake will replenish glycogen?

    Or.. maybe he's suggesting that the body will suddenly and magically decide to use Fat as fuel for weight-training?

  9. #9
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    May 2004
    I'll go tru the questions in the original post one by one

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddySherles
    Here is my question...should I get up the morning, do cardio on an empty stomach, have a protein shake after that, and then lift...
    If you cannot feasibly separate your weight-training and cardio... set them in the most effective order.

    This would be: weights first.. followed by cardio (done post-training because glycogen is depleted at this point).

    The weight-training could be preceded by a serving of BCAAs alone or with a quick digesting carb source 15-30 minutes prior to training.

    If it's feasible for you to separate the two sessions.. then procede with a.m. cardio.. and p.m. training.

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddySherles
    cuz it usually takes me a while to get loose anyways so cardio could be my AM fat burner while at the same time getting me loose to work out.
    Conflicting purposes.

    30 + minutes to 'get loose' is a waste of time.

    A 5-10 minute walk on the treadmill etc. can be used + 5 minutes of stretching.

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddySherles
    Or, should I do cardio on an empty stomach in the AM, and lift weights later on in the day? I take NO shotgun before I work out, so if I work out at night, I probably won't be able to sleep with it having a serving of redline in it. If I take it in the morning, when should I take it? LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK please
    Do you HAVE to consume it?

    If no.. drop it

    If you feel you 'have to'.. have it before cardio or before basketball.

    A supplement is just a supplement.

    It's not a base of a regime..and as such dropping it should be no problem.. as it isn't food.. thus it isn't essential.


  10. #10
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    Standard Nark twisting what I said....

    He asked if it was ok...Sure its ok...not beneficial, but its ok...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    Standard Nark twisting what I said....

    He asked if it was ok...Sure its ok...not beneficial, but its ok...
    Maybe you can't read.. so i'll help you.

    Post #1:

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddySherles
    Ok, I am gonna start doing cardio on an empty stomach cuz I'm tryin to get very cut. I am already pretty ripped, but I want to take it to the next level.
    ^^He wants help to take his condition to the next level.

    Thus your reply should've been geared at generating that.

    Not the garbage you posted above.

    And yes i said Garbage.. because it is typical for you to give generic advice.

    My advice to you? Give the same consideration when answering a question that you'd expect when someone answers YOUR question.


  12. #12
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    Right behind you...
    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    Standard Nark twisting what I said....

    He asked if it was ok...Sure its ok...not beneficial, but its ok...
    how is it "ok" if it's not beneficial? you're making no sense.

    i have to agree with nark that you did give horrible advice on this one. you cannot do weight training immediately after cardio, even if you down a shake prior to the weight-training.

    go ahead and try it for a while and watch how fast your muscles deteriorate. with that muscle glycogen and blood glucose depleted from the cardio, what do you think your body will resort to as an energy source for your weight training? the shake in between won't be enough to replenish those lost stores of body sugars, and fat isn't an option considering weight training is anaerobic. the only energy source left at that point is muscle protein. that means you'll be using your muscles as your primary energy source for your weight training, breaking them down at such an incredible rate that on a cutting diet, there's no chance in hell you won't have serious losses in muscle mass.

    also, in one of your posts, you stated you'd go with a whole food option post-workout? why, cause you'd like those muscles to continue breaking down even longer after the workout? with how catabolic he would be after the workout, he'd need to replenish everything asap, not drag it out with solid, slower digesting foods. where do you get this kind of info from, cause you're getting it from a horrible source. please give more informed advice in the future as i'd like to think you're trying to give advice to help, but this certainly isn't going to.

  13. #13
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    And its typical for u to think you're the end all be all of advice....

    Its not so much the info...Hes got plenty of it...Its the little bit of arrogance I could do without...
    Last edited by Undecided09; 12-10-2006 at 08:27 PM.

  14. #14
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    ^^ No.. I talk about what i know about.

    I take my time and give thorough answers.

    However it's typical for you to give shit advice... and be pissed off when it's shot down.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    And its typical for u to think you're the end all be all of advice....
    um, you're trying to criticize one of the most knowledgeable sources on this board right after you gave someone bad advice? nark never claimed to be anything, you're simply taking it that way cause you can't say anything in response to his comments as most the info either went over your head or you realize you were completely wrong. however, i'd stop right where you are as getting on the bad side of those who can help you most on this site is not an ideal place to be.

  16. #16
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    Nothin to do with the advice, or my attitude, which is certainly better than yours....

    You just could have a better demeanor, especially being a representative of this site...

  17. #17
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    Responses in in point form:

    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    how is it "ok" if it's not beneficial? you're making no sense.
    1. exactly

    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    go ahead and try it for a while and watch how fast your muscles deteriorate. with that muscle glycogen and blood glucose depleted from the cardio, what do you think your body will resort to as an energy source for your weight training?
    2. Bingo

    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    the only energy source left at that point is muscle protein. that means you'll be using your muscles as your primary energy source for your weight training, breaking them down at such an incredible rate that on a cutting diet, there's no chance in hell you won't have serious losses in muscle mass.
    3. Three for three.

    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    please give more informed advice in the future as i'd like to think you're trying to give advice to help, but this certainly isn't going to.


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    um, you're trying to criticize one of the most knowledgeable sources on this board right after you gave someone bad advice? nark never claimed to be anything, you're simply taking it that way cause you can't say anything in response to his comments as most the info either went over your head or you realize you were completely wrong. however, i'd stop right where you are as getting on the bad side of those who can help you most on this site is not an ideal place to be.
    lol... True, i never claim to be anything

    If he can show me the error in my advice however.. i will show you a flying pig.

    Those who criticise should be able to represent themselves eloquently and intelligently however.

    Undecided09, you have failed from both perspectives.

    My advice, though you fail to take advice: as demonstrated on your contest log, is that you give less advice.. and read more.

    As the provision of advice should not precede the accumulation thereof.


  19. #19
    Dude, I'm not taking corners here but look at Nark's avitar...I dont care about your genetics, but you dont get that way w/o knowing what the hell to do.

    I guess I said; proof is in the pudding...

  20. #20
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    Noone's taking anything away from your expertise Nark, thats just naive...

    Its your ettiquite that needs to catch up...

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancb1
    Dude, I'm not taking corners here but look at Nark's avitar...I dont care about your genetics, but you dont get that way w/o knowing what the hell to do.

    I guess I said; proof is in the pudding...
    bad example lol.. he'll just say STEROIDS!!!


    Though i've been competing for 7 years..and only recently using gear.

  22. #22
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    No I wouldn't....I've learned how small a piece of the puzzle supplements playin this game...Mainly from guys like u Nark....

    I won't be naive, so u shouldnt either...

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by violator1
    so i dont necessarily have to do cardio in the am? i can do tha cardio after i lift?? i'm asking cuz if i do cardio in the am, i can forget about lifting later that day.....i found that out the hard way. couldnt lift for sh*t.....and carb cutting? geez my strength went out the window. was doing 275 for reps then cut carbs and bam!!!!! barely making 215. whats up with that?
    How close were the cardio and weight-training sessions?

    I did read a study which claimed that there should be an interval of at least 8 hours separating cardio and weight-training.. if cardio precedes the weight-training session as it would in the case of a.m. cardio.

    The study claimed that a lesser interval negatively affected weight-training.

    Could be a number of other variables though... When you say 'cutting carbs' you didn't say how low

    You didn't say what your diet was otherwise either: whether it provided necessary energy sources and substrates.


  24. #24
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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaddySherles
    No, I won't bring them to the gym, but I can make them the day before and have them ready for me when I get done. As far as my cardio goes....I've been doin the walking on an incline on the treadmill....I put it on fat burn and it calculates everything for you....heart rate and all. I am to believe that running is bad for you? What about post workout?
    Stick with Nark's advice.

  26. #26

    Jumping Rope?!

    What about jumping rope first thing in the morning? Would that serve as good cardio for AM cardio?

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2004
    If you can jump rope for 30-60 minutes... sure

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