Ok, I am gonna start doing cardio on an empty stomach cuz I'm tryin to get very cut. I am already pretty ripped, but I want to take it to the next level. I play alot of basketball is where I get most of my cardio from. Here is my question...should I get up the morning, do cardio on an empty stomach, have a protein shake after that, and then lift...cuz it usually takes me a while to get loose anyways so cardio could be my AM fat burner while at the same time getting me loose to work out. Or, should I do cardio on an empty stomach in the AM, and lift weights later on in the day? I take NO shotgun before I work out, so if I work out at night, I probably won't be able to sleep with it having a serving of redline in it. If I take it in the morning, when should I take it? LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK please