Does anybody know a website that shows different plyometric excercises? thanks much
Does anybody know a website that shows different plyometric excercises? thanks much
google plyometrci exercise and you will find alot of info, chances are you ned to buy a book or video that demonstated them, esiest solution, if this is what you want. pm me and i will find you somewhere to order a book or video
maybe this will help?
Columbus- Awesome, exactly what I was looking for. Wasn't really looking for detailed regimes, just something I could incorporate into clients routines. I rarely use plyometrics, mainly because a lot of my clients are not fit enough to perform them properly and are at a higher risk of injury. Typically I execute funtional excercises, but I'd like to expand a bit with other's by incorporating basic plyometric excercises. Again, thanks bro-ski!
good find columbus
Thanks boys....least I could do for all your help
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