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Thread: Pre-exhaust sets

  1. #1

    Pre-exhaust sets

    What do your pre-exhaust routines look like? You do a pre-exhaust set directly before a working set or do you do all your pre-exhaust sets before your work sets?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Pre-exhaustion routines generally look like:

    One set of an isolation exercise.. directly followed by one set of a compound exercise.


    1 set of dumbbell flys followed by 1 set of Flat Barbell Bench press.

    But i've also seen alternative methods that don't follow the above.

    Like doing the full complement of sets for an isolation exercise..Then moving on to the full complement of sets for a multi joint exercise


    4 sets of flys

    Followed by

    4 sets Incline Barbell Bench press.

    Either has merit.

  3. #3
    Good info, thanks for the post. Last week I tried 5 isolation sets then 5 compound sets and felt a pretty good burn. It was the first time I ever started off my workout with flys haha.

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