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Thread: Biceps please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Biceps please help

    Through the help of this website I have been training and dieting for consistently for 7 weeks on a program..
    I have went from 184 to 196..My problem is gaining size in my biceps everywhere else isn't a problem but my bicep's have only increased from 15" to 15 1/4"..
    I train them once a week alone 4 exercises 3 intense sets each..
    1.) Wide grip barbell 3 sets 10, 8, 6
    2.) Alternating dumbell curls 3 sets
    3.) Preacher curls 3 sets
    4.) chin ups 3 sets 6-10
    If there is any reccomendations to help please inform me..


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    i am having the same problem. I do a similiar workout except i do 3 heavy sets of hammers. Funny thing is I am making lots of progress for how much i can curl, just not gaining much size to my bi's. bump.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    jk, just stick it out man, they'll curl, db curl, hammers are great as test says....just make sure you're going til failure and bust it, always bump up that weight bigdog.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by jk486994
    Through the help of this website I have been training and dieting for consistently for 7 weeks on a program..
    I have went from 184 to 196..My problem is gaining size in my biceps everywhere else isn't a problem but my bicep's have only increased from 15" to 15 1/4"..
    I train them once a week alone 4 exercises 3 intense sets each..
    1.) Wide grip barbell 3 sets 10, 8, 6
    2.) Alternating dumbell curls 3 sets
    3.) Preacher curls 3 sets
    4.) chin ups 3 sets 6-10
    If there is any reccomendations to help please inform me..

    Well, first off I dont necessarily like the 4 exercises you choose, but thats just me and if you said it was working, id say great! But since its not, how bout changing them. Heres some suggestions.

    1. alternating dumbell curls. Not bad, I do them often, usually I do 5 sets. 2 sets are warmups though, at around 40/45s. Then I increase the weight to 55's. Then my last 2 sets I do 65's. My last set, I can usually do 5 reps. I tell you this so you can kinda judge what weights you should use. If you can do more or less, no matter, but a couple warmups that you can do about 10 reps, then the 55's (or your equivilant) do like 8 reps, then my last 2 sets, I can squeeze out between 5-7 depending on the day. When you do dumbell curls, make sure at the top of your contraction, you twist your wrist away from your body to get that good squeeze. The squeeze is probably (imo) the most important part of an exercise.

    2. Hammer Curls. Very good for building bicep thickness. I pretty much always drop set these. I like these a lot.

    3. A form of preacher curls. I dont like our preacher curl bench, so what I do, and I think I like it better than preachers now, is use an incline bench at a pretty steam incline but not the most steap. On my bench its the 3rd notch. Have the top of the bench under your arm, and use the bench to support your triceps, and do "preachers" like that.

    4. Good old fashion heavy standing barbell curls. Im a fan of dropsets on these too, and also, every 2-3 workouts, i do "super 21s". You know 21s I assume?? If not, you do 7 reps from all the way down and bring it up halfway, then 7 reps from the top down to halfway, then 7 full reps. THEN I dropset and do 21 full reps of the lower weight. 3 sets of this (well, actually 1 set) and you'll be feelin the pain.

    Some other exercises that I like and throw in every once in a while, spider curls (lay flat on incline bench, face down, curl weights while arms are hanging), cable curls (I like to sit on the floor, elbows on knees, and curl, making sure you get that squeeze at the top, most important).

    These are some exercises that have worked for me and I stand by. Hope they help you!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Spider Curls Are Good, Dont Forget Reverse Curls To Build That Brachialis, Super Setting Appears To Help Some. But Most Important Of All Is Your Form If Your Form Is Messed Up You Will Grow Slowly If At All. Good Luck And Keep Up The Good Work..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I think you are doing too much. Stick to 2 exercises, 3 sets on each one. If you are doing them right your biceps will be toasted. JMO

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