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Thread: What's the most effective way to workout while on Legal Gear's Methyl1-D???

  1. #1

    What's the most effective way to workout while on Legal Gear's Methyl1-D???

    I have been working out for 3 years now and have been getting some good results and have good nutrition and workout out plan, I have been researching steroids and pro hormone like substances for around 2 yrs. and feel like I know enough to take methyl-1D I know it's not a steroid or close to it, but Im staying for roids and test for as long as I can and Methyl-1D has limited side effects and I should get some decent results from it, I was wondering what would be the best way to workout while on this Im currently going 3 days doing the body for life and hitting upped body twice per week and lower body once and even though it makes me feel like im lazy b/c im not hitting the gym 5 days a week like I used to I have been seeing awesome results with this, I guess it's b/c im hitting the same parts 2 times a week instead of 1, but while on methyl-1D would I see better results if I go back to my 5 days a week and a 5 day split, with one day off. *split one* day 1-chest/day 2-bi's/day 3-tri's and back/day 4-shoulders/day 5-legs/day 6-OFF.... *split 2* day 1-chest and bi's/day 2-tri's/day 3-back/day 4-shoulders/day 5-legs/day 6-OFF.... *split 3* day 1-chest/day 2-bi's and tri's/day 3-back/day 4-shoulders/day 5-legs/day 6-OFF.... alternate those splits and train each day for about an hour-hour and half. alternate your rep range every other split. so first split, go about 6-12 reps. next split, go about 12-20???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    This is only my opinion, DONT USE IT, I have had bad side effects, plus my results sucked from it. I did use PP in the past and loved it. Then I tried Methyl-1D and screwed everything up; then again it could be me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    You should definately adjust your workout ruitine.

    I'd try changing to a 4-5 day split instead. Adjust your diet. If you are not gaining weight, you are probably not eating enough.

    Your best bet is to read the stickies in the workout section, to plan a better workout ruitine.

    Also the "how to bulk" sticky in the diet section would also be a great read.

    If you are still planning on running this product, I'd research it in the suppliment section. There are alot of posts about that product, and what to expect for side effects, and how to combat the back pains, and muscle cramps associated with it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't sound like you are extreamly educated in workout ruitines and diets. Definately get those in check first, and research the compound aswell.

    The sides of that compound are way worse than test, dbol, or many other aas compounds.

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