I have been working out for 3 years now and have been getting some good results and have good nutrition and workout out plan, I have been researching steroids and pro hormone like substances for around 2 yrs. and feel like I know enough to take methyl-1D I know it's not a steroid or close to it, but Im staying for roids and test for as long as I can and Methyl-1D has limited side effects and I should get some decent results from it, I was wondering what would be the best way to workout while on this Im currently going 3 days doing the body for life and hitting upped body twice per week and lower body once and even though it makes me feel like im lazy b/c im not hitting the gym 5 days a week like I used to I have been seeing awesome results with this, I guess it's b/c im hitting the same parts 2 times a week instead of 1, but while on methyl-1D would I see better results if I go back to my 5 days a week and a 5 day split, with one day off. *split one* day 1-chest/day 2-bi's/day 3-tri's and back/day 4-shoulders/day 5-legs/day 6-OFF.... *split 2* day 1-chest and bi's/day 2-tri's/day 3-back/day 4-shoulders/day 5-legs/day 6-OFF.... *split 3* day 1-chest/day 2-bi's and tri's/day 3-back/day 4-shoulders/day 5-legs/day 6-OFF.... alternate those splits and train each day for about an hour-hour and half. alternate your rep range every other split. so first split, go about 6-12 reps. next split, go about 12-20???