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Thread: stuck at 210

  1. #1

    stuck at 210

    hey guys i been training in MMA for last few years and because of my poor diet and daily routine ..i been stuck at 210 pounds i have decided to take some time off MMA and gain some size..i was recommended to try gaining naturally till i hit my plateau and then start using steroids ..i have searched and got the appropriate bulking diet..high calories high protein and low fats but i desperately need a workout if you guys can help me out with the routine..cardio and few tips on supplements..and how long should i train b4 i juice...any suggestions wud be great... i am 23 years old 6 feet 4 ..210 pounds..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    A strength routine or hypertrophy routine?

    I just switched to this from a 3 day bulking split, this is my "Preparation" cutting routine (cutting routine is the same just 6 days of cardio instead of 2). You probably need to do you specific training for MMA as well.

    Mon - Chest/Bi's
    Tuesday - Back/Tris'
    Wed - off (cardio)
    Thurs - Legs
    Fri - Shoulders
    Sat - off (cardio)
    Sun - off

    Chest - (4) Incline DB, (3) Incline Smith Machine, (3) Machine Press
    Biceps - (3) Ez bar curls, (3)Dumbell curls w/ 2 dropset (2) Machine curls
    Back - (2) Chinups, (3) Deadlifts, (3) DB Rows, (2-3) Lat Pulldowns, (2) Machine rows
    Triceps - (3) Skull crushers, (3) Cable press
    Shoulders - (3) DB Press, (2) Lateral Extensions, (3) Reverse machine fly's (I have an injured shoulder...), (3) DB Shrugs
    Legs - (5) Squats, (2) Quad Extensions, (1-2) Ham curls, (3) Seated machine calf raises, (2-3) Standing Calf raises

    Forearm work 1x a week.

  3. #3
    thanks bro ..ill be startin on it tomorrow...wut u suggest for supplements besides takin dbol pills worth it right now? or NO2 shud be enough
    Last edited by rd4xlife; 01-01-2007 at 10:05 PM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by [email protected]
    thanks bro ..ill be startin on it tomorrow...wut u suggest for supplements besides takin dbol pills worth it right now? or NO2 shud be enough
    dont do dbol only cycles...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    grave yard
    wouldnt suggest the dbol only...ull only be dissappointed in the long run...no2 ive heard is good though

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mountaineer Country
    I like:
    Monday Chest/tri's/delts
    Wed Back/Bis
    Fri legs
    Sun abs

    I used to train delts with legs but that was overtraining them and do abs on sunday because I do not want to do them after major groups due to exhaustion.

  7. #7
    thanks guys

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Hey bro dont get caught up in the scale.
    I for what ever reason struggled for over a year to get to 200. I was eating everything training hard etc etc. Then finally my body said "Fine, 200 lbs" and made that weight, your body dosent want to change but if you stick with it youll get there.

    As far as training, I think Mon Wens Fri Doing Quad calf/ chest shoulder/ back hams is great and still allows you to get in cardio here and there

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