Try this breathing exercise to get an extra rep out of your normal weight or to push past your PB. This works but if you do it on each set it makes you dizzy so I usually do it on heavy days for the last set. It takes about 45 seconds to perform so work it into your rest periods.

This exercise is designed to prime you muscles with oxygen before a lift. Take four slow deep breaths five seconds breathing in and five seconds breathing out, this is time critical so after the last breath make sure your hands are on the bar, then take another four deep breaths this time one second in and one second out then quick as you like perform the lift.

For those of you who dont allready know this exrecise give it a try next tim your at the gym. I thought Id give it a mention here as nobody does it in my gym and I hadnt done it myself for a while till today.

Oh yeh the downside is you look like youre doing power Tai-Chi to everyone else in the gym LOL