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Thread: need help !!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    need help !!!

    it seems llike over the past 6 wk I'm working out one side of my body. I hope it is nnot my illusion but every time I look in the mirror it seems like my left thigh is a little bigger than my right one, and so is my left forearm and left chest, my left lat and my left tri-biceps. I don't why the heck I'm gaining uneven size from my workout exercise. Any advise please would be appprciate.
    Last edited by S431M7; 01-15-2007 at 06:46 PM.

  2. #2
    ya man its fake mirror >>> lol

  3. #3
    Have you ever actually measured each and seen this difference in inches? I don't think anyone is exactly symetrical....typically one side is slightly bigger than the other no matter what you do.

    If one side is a somewhat bigger, you may want to consider doing unilateral movements. When you do DB movements, do you notice one side being noticably stronger than the other in all your movements?

    Good Luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Its totally normal, For me my left arm is bigger than my right, my right thigh is more developed than my left, right calf is smaller than left,

    Something you can do is start using dumbells or hammerstrength machines that have independent arms.

    also when you lift with barbells keep a mental note in your head to work which side/muscle that is lagging with more effort and use the other side/muscle as support.

    In the past I went as far as postioning the bar a bit to the right side by about an inch on squats to apply a bit more weight on my right side and now my right quad is more developed because of it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    It is always wise 2 hear advice from someone who experience the same predicament. Thannks MFT81 for reply

    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81
    Its totally normal, For me my left arm is bigger than my right, my right thigh is more developed than my left, right calf is smaller than left,

    Something you can do is start using dumbells or hammerstrength machines that have independent arms.

    also when you lift with barbells keep a mental note in your head to work which side/muscle that is lagging with more effort and use the other side/muscle as support.

    In the past I went as far as postioning the bar a bit to the right side by about an inch on squats to apply a bit more weight on my right side and now my right quad is more developed because of it.

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