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Thread: Few pointers please, my delts are fatiguing before my pecs.

  1. #1

    Few pointers please, my delts are fatiguing before my pecs.

    I never had this problem til I had shoulder surgery.

    My pecs dont feel the burn of my presses and I think it is hurting their developement. My front delts give in before my chest is exhausted and I dont get as good of a pump at times, it sucks.

    Now I'm no newb but can anyone give me a few unusual pointers on how to hit my pecs harder and avoid this problem? What could I do with my form or what would be a good pre exhaust considering my delts are giving in first ?

    I guess some flyes/press supersets?

    Thanks you guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    i dont know but i always thought bench press was more shoulder and tris then actuall chest......

    i usually dont get my pump till i hit incline flys flat flys and decline flys.... try that .....then if you still dont feel a pump try chest does alot of tries but you can feel the burn inthe center of your lay flat on the bench and place 2 dumbells in the center of your chest where your sternum is and you and you hold them together and press up into the air.....remember you want your knuckels facing each other .....

    if none of that works then just try changing your grip up on your might need to go wider....

    lighter weight on your press and higher rep might not take out that much of a toll on your shoulders....

    umm try incline first then flat bench.....same goes for flys...

    OR just concentrate more on your shoulders and get them up to par with your chest.... i dont know i tried to help

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    i think a super set at the end on that one excersice will def. kill your shoulders first by the does mine

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    yes, I'm a shoulder bencher as well, always have been. Throw flat barbell and incline barbell right the hell out, stick to db's. However, I do stay with decline bench since I'm pushing more from my lower chest/stomach region and my shoulders dont come into play as much. But db's allow you to keep your elbows tight to your body and they keep your shoulders from flaring out and taking over during the motion. Also, if your likely to incorporate shoulders in a chest press movement, try hammer strength machines from time to time, only adjust the seat heaight so the handles fall just below your chest. Good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    lol one more thing (sorry for the post whoring) i bench if my arms go over 45degrees theni feel it more on my shoulders....try to keep your elbows as close to your bodywhen you i dont mean directly at your side but anything over 45degrees should be avoided as it puts more stress on your shoulders.....try to keep them tucked in as best as you can to keep the heavy weight on your try plus your get better leverage......if im wrong please some one chime in

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    lol he beat me to the elbows in statement...grrrrr lol

  7. #7
    Use proper form and maybe try to use Pre-Exhaust techniques on chest days.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Use proper form and maybe try to use Pre-Exhaust techniques on chest days.

    Well yea obviously proper form but I thought I had my form down til now....?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by boostedevo8
    lol one more thing (sorry for the post whoring) i bench if my arms go over 45degrees theni feel it more on my shoulders....try to keep your elbows as close to your bodywhen you i dont mean directly at your side but anything over 45degrees should be avoided as it puts more stress on your shoulders.....try to keep them tucked in as best as you can to keep the heavy weight on your try plus your get better leverage......if im wrong please some one chime in

    I think I agree with you on that. It seems if I tuck my elbows more, it hits my shoulders less somehow, but I was always tought the opposite. I gotta just experiment I guess.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    yes, I'm a shoulder bencher as well, always have been. Throw flat barbell and incline barbell right the hell out, stick to db's. However, I do stay with decline bench since I'm pushing more from my lower chest/stomach region and my shoulders dont come into play as much. But db's allow you to keep your elbows tight to your body and they keep your shoulders from flaring out and taking over during the motion. Also, if your likely to incorporate shoulders in a chest press movement, try hammer strength machines from time to time, only adjust the seat heaight so the handles fall just below your chest. Good luck

    Ok thanks stacked. Cool.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Do you keep your shoulder blades pulled together?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Do you keep your shoulder blades pulled together?

    My front delts have overpowered my benching for like 8 months, its like my chest is hiding behind my shoulders. But i really disected my bench and now my chest gets tore up. Roll your shoulders back, pull blades together, stick chest out, and play with the angle of your elbows some flare them out, some stick them closer to your body. Practice with warm-up sets. Also you might wanna try using a lower range of motion, chest to about half way up, locking your elbows puts alot of stress on your shoulders and takes the weight off your chest.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Do you keep your shoulder blades pulled together?
    Yea, I arch my back a little, push my shoulder blades together and tuck my elbows in....

  14. #14
    Yea I think im gonna have to pre exhaust for a while, arch my back more (?) and not even get close to locking out really (Which I never do anyway). and DB at least before BB.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Yea I think im gonna have to pre exhaust for a while, arch my back more (?) and not even get close to locking out really (Which I never do anyway). and DB at least before BB.
    Yeah, I would give that a try. Sounds like your form is perfect.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Yeah, I would give that a try. Sounds like your form is perfect.

    Yea it sucks, I thought I was doing somethign wrong but maybe I just need to do somethign different. Ill see how it goes in 3 days.

  17. #17
    Well I switched legs for chest/triceps/delts today and I think I made a little progress but still not able to hit the presses as hard as I used to be able to. Guess this shoulder just still isn't 100%.

    I am not sure if the kind of soreness, after I do presses, is the kind of sorenes I shuold work through or if it is telling me to stop pressing for now....really hard to tell, it is right inbetween painful/sore.

    It seems that incline BB Bench press actually hits my chest better and feels the most comfortable.

    I think I am just going t have to do very little pressing movements for much longer than I had hoped for. I dunno, this sucks, one of my favorite bodyparts to train, is giving me odd problems now.

    My ortho is out on vacation too, bastard.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    go heavy for now on incline and leave flat for low weight high reps.....till you heal .....

    i dont know but i always get a better pump on incline anyways

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Well I switched legs for chest/triceps/delts today and I think I made a little progress but still not able to hit the presses as hard as I used to be able to. Guess this shoulder just still isn't 100%.

    I am not sure if the kind of soreness, after I do presses, is the kind of sorenes I shuold work through or if it is telling me to stop pressing for now....really hard to tell, it is right inbetween painful/sore.

    It seems that incline BB Bench press actually hits my chest better and feels the most comfortable.

    I think I am just going t have to do very little pressing movements for much longer than I had hoped for. I dunno, this sucks, one of my favorite bodyparts to train, is giving me odd problems now.

    My ortho is out on vacation too, bastard.

    That being the case I woudnt push it. I strained my pec about a year ago. I did the low weight for a while and it got better.

  20. #20
    I am going to try to hit my delts and triceps first, to avoid any potentially negative effects the soreness associated with my chest movements might cause when training them after my pecs.

    You gusy think thi scould help or will training my delts directly cause more stress on the joint ?

    Gonna have to just try and see I guess. Hit chest last and lighter.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    new york city
    perhaps u can try pre exhausting (sp?) like 2 real heavy sets of DB flies (flat bench) and perhaps one heavy incline DB fly...then move onto your reg chest excersizes....just do 3 sets less tottal. worked for me when i ran into a similar situation as you

  22. #22
    I dunno, i tried pre exhausting and it didnt feel better really. I will give it a shot but its going to be after my delt/triceps.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    new york city
    439 u split up tris and chest...or do them on the same day?

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by rafael u split up tris and chest...or do them on the same day?

    same day.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    new york city
    i split up tris and aware that tris are used as support muscles in the chest excersizes. but this allows me to concentrate on chest and chest only during the chest workout...and maybe like 5 days later i do triceps...also i dont follow the normal 7 day routine...but i follow a 10 day routine.

  26. #26
    If I train chest/triceps on different days, I end up hitting one of them before they feel recovered which I think can lead to overtraining.

    I lift every other day but am going to have to change ti up due to my shots interfering with my leg sessions.

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