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Thread: Taking a week off?

  1. #1

    Question Taking a week off?

    Hello, I am a new member, my name is wilco. Here is some information about me. I have been lifting for the past three years, however only in the past year have I been serious about my nutrition and routine. I currently use a 2 on 1 off protocol for training. I typically do 12-18 sets for larger muscle groups, and 8-10 for smaller ones. I am 6'1 162 pounds, and have a 9-10% BF. I have gained 15 pounds since October, and the good portion of that weight has been quality mass. Currently, my goal is to reach a weight of 170. I eat about 3100-3200 calories on a lifting day and 2800-2900 on an off day, usually I will run 2-3 miles on an off day. Since October I have not taken any time off from lifting, I have however reduced the days I workout and number of sets in my routine.

    I am taking a 5 day vaction to South Carolina next week, and I am wondering if taking a week off would be beneficial. Recently I have been seeing great improvement in strength in the gym, but I feel that some time off would allow me to heal some and fully recharge my batteries. During this week off should I run alot or do push ups/pull ups? I don't want to lose any weight or gain much fat. I have a fast metabolism (I am a young guy and have a mostly ectomorphic body type). Any advice you could give would be great. Or should I find a gym near where I am staying and workout there? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I say it depends on you.
    If you feel burned out and need 1 week to recharge then take it. You gotto listen to your body.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I would just take a week off, i think the rest will be good for you and we all could probably use the little extra rest...XXL

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    In Alberta's Oil Patch
    Rest is good for the body only if you truly need it. However its great for the mind if you WANT it.


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