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Thread: Cutting and Bulking Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Question Cutting and Bulking Question

    I am training to get ready for next football season and I recently had ACL surgery I am currently working out 4 days a week, I eat as much as possible and I drink at least 2 protein shakes a day. I have gained a lot of strength back quite fast (at least upper body.. legs going slowly but I DID just have surgery) however I have gained a considerable amount of fat as well.

    In less than 2 months I should be able to start running. I was wondering if I should start cutting around that time and try to lose that fat, or if I should keep bulking and getting as strong and as big as possible for next season? Is it possible to keep getting big like this and still be fast and quick? I might need to keep bulking for my legs to get stronger, but then I may lose alot of speed by being much fatter.. I have awhile to think about it but any comments or suggestions would help a ton

    ..Maybe when I start running I can keep the same workout routine I have now just with cardio added in and I'll be fine? I have no idea..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by WontGiveUp
    In less than 2 months I should be able to start running. I was wondering if I should start cutting around that time and try to lose that fat, or if I should keep bulking and getting as strong and as big as possible for next season?
    Start cutting imo..Get down to base weight..and then lean bulk so by next season you'll be lean, strong, and sizeable.

    Quote Originally Posted by WontGiveUp
    Is it possible to keep getting big like this and still be fast and quick?
    'big like this' meaning fat?


    Futher, it'll be taxing on your previously injured areas..and your joins in general.

    Quote Originally Posted by WontGiveUp
    I might need to keep bulking for my legs to get stronger
    Why would you say that?

    Bulk does not=fat.

    Prioritise legs when they're healed and you can continue to gain strength... especially if your 'cutting' diet isn't too depletive, nor your cardio/training regime too taxing on the CNS.

    Quote Originally Posted by WontGiveUp
    ..Maybe when I start running I can keep the same workout routine I have now just with cardio added in and I'll be fine? I have no idea..
    Ease back into running...supplement it with cardio.

    But the key is diet.

    Above you stated that you just try to eat s much as possible.

    That won't cut it.

    Good luck


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