I am training to get ready for next football season and I recently had ACL surgeryI am currently working out 4 days a week, I eat as much as possible and I drink at least 2 protein shakes a day. I have gained a lot of strength back quite fast (at least upper body.. legs going slowly but I DID just have surgery) however I have gained a considerable amount of fat as well.
In less than 2 months I should be able to start running. I was wondering if I should start cutting around that time and try to lose that fat, or if I should keep bulking and getting as strong and as big as possible for next season? Is it possible to keep getting big like this and still be fast and quick? I might need to keep bulking for my legs to get stronger, but then I may lose alot of speed by being much fatter.. I have awhile to think about it but any comments or suggestions would help a ton
..Maybe when I start running I can keep the same workout routine I have now just with cardio added in and I'll be fine? I have no idea..