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Thread: Cardio question

  1. #1
    LeadPencil's Avatar
    LeadPencil is offline Junior Member
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    Cardio question

    whats your target heart rate formula?
    Also, i read in a post a while back and cant find it that if you exceed your target heart rate you start to burn muscle and fat as oppose to just fat when in your target range?

  2. #2
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    220 - age x .7 = Target heart rate for burning fat

  3. #3
    WrkOutaHoLic is offline New Member
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    Find Ur Thr

    Thanks for the formula, I have been over training on cardio, NO MORE THOUGH.

  4. #4
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeadPencil View Post
    whats your target heart rate formula?
    Also, i read in a post a while back and cant find it that if you exceed your target heart rate you start to burn muscle and fat as oppose to just fat when in your target range?
    Its a myth that you burn muscle if you do high amounts of cardio. The only time you burn muscle proteins for energy is when the body is in an extremely deficient caloric state. It takes a lot of energy and a lot of time to convert amino acids into a usable energy source. During exercise only about 4 % of total energy production comes from the use of proteins. Which doesnt make a bit of difference.

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