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Thread: Problems with back routine...lil help?

  1. #1

    Problems with back routine...lil help?

    Seems to the ONLY part of my workout Im lagging on.

    Ive found what works for me is a 10,8,6,6 rep routine (Ive experienced some major strength and size gains, as well as overall endurance since I switched to it)

    4x Bent over Rows (BB or Smith Machine when gym is packed)
    4x Seated Rows (Cable Machine)
    4x Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs
    4x Standing Bent Over DB Flys (not sure if thats what its called, but it targets the upper parts of the back, name of muscle is slipping my mind)

    4x DB Side Lat Raises

    4x BB Shrugs

    Any other exercises ya'll would switch with these?

    And I know someone is probably gonna flame the way I do stuff, but it took me over a year and many sessions w/some trainers to figure out something that worked for ME.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Bent over rows are great, seated rows are great, lat pulldowns I usually do just as a warm up exercise. Try supersetting the rows to increase intensity.

    But the real key to develope a big strong back........DEADLIFTS try different forms of them and you will be gold.

  3. #3
    Ive done stiff-legged DL for legs and loved it, and try it for back, but it only really worked my lower back.....maybe im doing it wrong

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by sircharles
    Ive done stiff-legged DL for legs and loved it, and try it for back, but it only really worked my lower back.....maybe im doing it wrong
    thats what its suppose to do, its a lower back exercise

  5. #5
    10-4. Thanx.

  6. #6
    anyone else?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    what benefits are you looking for??? strength, size, endurance?????

    how long have you been doing these exercises, rep range???

    try switching it up (reps, exercises, rest periods) variety is the key to keeping a muscle growing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    samson's powerhouse
    wide grip pullups, bent over barbell rows watch your form pull into your stomach not your chest, db 1 arm rows. deadlifts will make you back stronger=bigger if their done heavy enough 10,6,4 to failure. once in a while i'll even go 10,5,1,1,1 it gets your body used to really heavy weight. I incorporate 1 heavy compound movement in every routine when I train.

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