I took vacation and moved and so on and so on. The point is I havent lifted for like 5 weeks, maybe 2 times per week. Have been running and thats about it. Should i start my workout back where i was and just go from my old routine with a little lower weight? or do really low reps or high? I was lifting 6 days a week for about 5 months, the year prior it was only it was around 4 but not very serious. I got burned out on 6 times a week and dont want to live at the gym anymore. Any insight would be good, thanks.
oh and my old workout was as follows. I wanted to knock it down to 4 times per week again so if you have anyting pertaining to that let me know, im open to anything. I run 4-7 miles 3 or 4 times a week and do a fair ammont of cardio. Could i just lift 1 day a week with legs and just go really heavy? The running and all keeps them in good form as far as definition.