My chest is my weakest part. more undefined than anything . How many days off do i need to give it before I hit hard again? would a split on chest morning and evening be to much?
My chest is my weakest part. more undefined than anything . How many days off do i need to give it before I hit hard again? would a split on chest morning and evening be to much?
when I first started lifting and didnt know any better I tried to do chest 2xs a day but i only did it once. on the second workout I cramped up so bad my arms froze in a bear hug postion until I had to manualy move my arms down.
If your chest is a weak point then you need to priortize it by working it by itself, once a week with a least 5-7 days of rest. you dont grow in the weight room you grow after with nutrition and rest. less really is more.
I would also emphasize more upper chest movements as most lifters find this area harder to build.
oh and I wouldnt worry about using and cable crossovers either. just bench with bar b. and Dumb B., dips, pullovers, and the occational dumb bell fly.
Utilizing proper form while working out your chest is one of the biggest problems in stunted growth.
If your seeing slow to non-existant progress, make sure your actually using your chest to press the dumbell/barbell.
Alot of times, people use too much shoulders/tricep/back during chest workouts, which makes it feel like your not getting anything accomplished with your chest.
72 hours minimumOriginally Posted by vmoore
I really don't see a reason to hit chest more than once/week. Hit it hard and your gains will come.
Switch to B-bells if you haven't tried them already...I find it much more beneficial than longbar.
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