lately i've been hitting the leg workouts real hard. lots of weight and its producing great results. what i was wondering is if anyone else has had this problem. my workout looks like this.
BB sqauts
2 sets 5-7 reps
Leg press
1 set 5-7 reps
Stiff leg deads
2 sets 5-7 reps
Leg curls
2 sets 5-7 reps
the problem i'm having is i'm having a good amount of pain in my quads right around the time i want to go to sleep. Also my legs are super hot and it prevents me from relaxing and falling asleep. my girlfriend tells me its all in my head but i can't ignore the pain and heat. it's not the worst pain in the world but enough to keep me awake for quite awhile.
anyone had this or have some advice for me.