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Thread: intense leg workout causing bad sleep quality

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    intense leg workout causing bad sleep quality

    lately i've been hitting the leg workouts real hard. lots of weight and its producing great results. what i was wondering is if anyone else has had this problem. my workout looks like this.

    BB sqauts
    2 sets 5-7 reps
    Leg press
    1 set 5-7 reps
    Stiff leg deads
    2 sets 5-7 reps
    Leg curls
    2 sets 5-7 reps

    the problem i'm having is i'm having a good amount of pain in my quads right around the time i want to go to sleep. Also my legs are super hot and it prevents me from relaxing and falling asleep. my girlfriend tells me its all in my head but i can't ignore the pain and heat. it's not the worst pain in the world but enough to keep me awake for quite awhile.

    anyone had this or have some advice for me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    leg workouts help me sleep, heavy squatting til I wanna puke - I'm out like a light.

    so no idea, sorry

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Yeah, I sometimes have problems sleeping after legs, or back.

    Im also going to assume you like myself workout within a few hours of bed time. So you probably couldnt go any earlier to the gym?

    I still havent found a way around it. That why i usually take a day off after legs, to catch up on lost sleep.

    at least you know your paying a price that so many people wont because legs are to hard and "They run alot so there already too big"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81
    Yeah, I sometimes have problems sleeping after legs, or back.

    Im also going to assume you like myself workout within a few hours of bed time. So you probably couldnt go any earlier to the gym?
    I still havent found a way around it. That why i usually take a day off after legs, to catch up on lost sleep.

    at least you know your paying a price that so many people wont because legs are to hard and "They run alot so there already too big"

    i try to go to sleep between 10 and 11 o'clock. i hit the gym anywhere between 4 and 6. on leg day i usually am out of there at the latest by 5:45 so its not to late that i'm in there.

    i just don't know what it is though. it drives me frickin insane and i hate it. i just got an alarm clock that plays 6 different types of relaxing noises like a rainforest, ocean waves, a summer night, thunder, and a river, things like that. i haven't tried it out yet but i leaning towards giving it a try. i'm willing to do anything at this point.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Maybe a bit of melatonin or valarian root before bed, youll have to check the supps forum for more on that....

    I would think you would be calmed down by then.

    Do you take any stimulants? I do, and even though its a small amount I sometimes still have probs even 4-5 hrs latter.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I had the same problem last night. I feel kinda sick after a really good leg day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    fellas what i'm thinking it might be is the glutimine i'm taking immediatly before bed. i use the MHP glutimine-sr and am thinking that it is the only thing i do out of the ordinary that might cause my insomnia.

    i take it before bed on other days and no problem(or not near as much of a problem. but on leg day, i just can't seem to relax. who knows.

    next week i will try to go to sleep without the glutimine and see if that works.

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