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  1. #1
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Need to Switch it up....

    I was thinking about switching up my split to focus on my trouble areas...Currently its looked like this,

    Monday: Legs
    Tuesday: chest
    Wednesday: off
    Thursday: Back

    What I want to do is switch it up to focus more on my smaller muscle groups that seem to be lacking, and as those of you who know me, they are....Now i know that big muscle groups come first in the week, etc, etc...I've always done that...But my legs are my strong point, and I was thinking that its not a coincidence. My eating is much more consistent and better monday thru friday, so I was thinking that they are growing because they are done first in the week and are fed off of that...I am a college student, and my weekends, when I am off, aren't bad, but aren't as strict as my week-days...THerefore, I am proposing putting my smaller muscle groups first in the week to see if they respond the way my legs have...Tell me what you think of this split, and of this mentallity...

    Monday: Delts, Traps, Tri's, Bi's
    Tuesday: Legs
    Wednesday: off
    Friday: Back

    Let me know what you guys think about the whole situation...


  2. #2
    MFT81's Avatar
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    why cant you lift on the weekends?

    IMO you say your smaller parts need more work yet you only give them one day? Your right back to where you started.

    Hopefully sooner then later the typical college weekend lifestyle will get old to you and then youll be able to really dedicate yourself.

    Not trying to flame. Just my .01

  3. #3
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    Hey man, I'm a realist, alot of the guys on this site have trouble either accepting the way things are, or make suggestions that are valid, but just aren't practical for someone who wants both the social and exercise lifestyles....

    Im just trying to be honest, not lie and do something else or lie and get advice that won't help me when I know myself...I did a show recently, I have an idea of what it takes to succeed...As far as my routine goes, its not that I can't lift on the weekends, my split is the way it is for reasons of efficiency and avioding overtraining...My small muscle groups only need direct work once a week, hard...anymore would be overtraining them with my split...

    So bump for more advice on my suggestions about changing my split, and not about lifestyle suggestions....thanks boys!

  4. #4
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    What I do when I need to really mix it up are compound exercises. Dips, pullups, pushups and lots of them. I do this for two weeks and it enables me to get better results on the smaller muscles groups due to the fact that they haven't been worked in isolation for quite some time.

    Just food for thought.

  5. #5
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    interesting thought Mavs...Could be very beneficial...Would also allow me to go hard and heavy, not that I don't now, but even more so, on my compound mass movements!!!!

  6. #6
    S.P.G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undecided09
    My small muscle groups only need direct work once a week, hard...anymore would be overtraining them with my split...

    So bump for more advice on my suggestions about changing my split, and not about lifestyle suggestions....thanks boys!
    I agree 100% its funny how the old myth of more is better still floats around even now...

  7. #7
    Undecided09's Avatar
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    we're in cahoots, SPG....bump...

  8. #8
    Undecided09's Avatar
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