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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Help with HIIT cardio, I searched and now have a question

    So, I searched and read a lot. I am doing the 15x 30/60.

    My questoin is, even with a 60 second rest period my heart rate is still at 85% / 90% when's time to sprint again for 30 seconds. Is this the goal? Or should my HR be dropping more before I sprint again.

    I could focus on 15 30 second sprints, and however long to get to a pre-determined lower HR during the rest period.

    I personally like it up high all the time, but don't want to not do it the right way.

    Any opinions?

  2. #2
    S.P.G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vibrantred94gt
    So, I searched and read a lot. I am doing the 15x 30/60.

    My questoin is, even with a 60 second rest period my heart rate is still at 85% / 90% when's time to sprint again for 30 seconds. Is this the goal? Or should my HR be dropping more before I sprint again.

    I could focus on 15 30 second sprints, and however long to get to a pre-determined lower HR during the rest period.

    I personally like it up high all the time, but don't want to not do it the right way.

    Any opinions?
    Its really up to your, see how your body reacts, I like to stay in the lower end of my MHR, although im not a massive fan of HIIT cardio it dose work wonders for some people....

    at a lower end of max heart rate (65%) a larger percentage of calories are burned come from fat than at a higher heart rate (75-85%) despite the percentages, you will burn more total calories, and therefore more total fat calories.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The Gym-aka my garage :-)
    Thanks for your response, makes sense.

    I was kind of wondering if someone could shed some light, or point me in the direction of some reading, on how hiit was meant to be preformed when it comes to heart rate intervals.

  4. #4
    ghostdog128's Avatar
    ghostdog128 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vibrantred94gt
    Thanks for your response, makes sense.

    I was kind of wondering if someone could shed some light, or point me in the direction of some reading, on how hiit was meant to be preformed when it comes to heart rate intervals.
    If you're looking for info on HIT cardio, start researching "fartlek" training. You'll find TONS of research articles and info on the net once you use the keyword fartlek...

    HIT cardio is basically a ripoff of fartlek training that distance runners use to improve their overall 5k or 10k times. It was developed in the 30's as a way to increase VO2 max in order to increase times. It works well at burning fat too!!!
    Last edited by ghostdog128; 02-20-2007 at 02:11 PM.

  5. #5
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Last edited by Ufa; 03-23-2007 at 08:29 AM.

  6. #6
    noexcuses88's Avatar
    noexcuses88 is offline Associate Member
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    i run hiit like this: 5 min light jog, 3 sets of (1min sprinting 4 mins resting(walking till heart rate goes down to 60%-70%) )and 5 mins of jogging for cooldown

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