Hi there guys,
I have a question about cardio. Many people say its best AFTER workout, many say BEFORE workout, and some say only on off days. I am more akin to doing it post workout cause I am already pumped and motivated, whereas if I go to the bikes as soon as I step in the gym, I don't think so.....
My question is: the basic principle is going at a certain heart rate for a certain period of time eg. 150bpm for 15-30 minutes right? If I start off with cardio my heart is still relaxed and at rest heart rate, which for me is about 45bpm. It takes me a good 5-6 minutes to get to 150-160bpm. If I go postworkout it takes me like 1 or 2 cause I am already pumped. Does this mean that doing a few minutes less post workout is the same as doing that 5-7 minutes more pre-workout?
I know its a little question, but I am just curious. (and we know what some of us will do to get a few minutes off cardiohaha)