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Thread: Post workout cardio question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa

    Question Post workout cardio question

    Hi there guys,

    I have a question about cardio. Many people say its best AFTER workout, many say BEFORE workout, and some say only on off days. I am more akin to doing it post workout cause I am already pumped and motivated, whereas if I go to the bikes as soon as I step in the gym, I don't think so.....

    My question is: the basic principle is going at a certain heart rate for a certain period of time eg. 150bpm for 15-30 minutes right? If I start off with cardio my heart is still relaxed and at rest heart rate, which for me is about 45bpm. It takes me a good 5-6 minutes to get to 150-160bpm. If I go postworkout it takes me like 1 or 2 cause I am already pumped. Does this mean that doing a few minutes less post workout is the same as doing that 5-7 minutes more pre-workout?

    I know its a little question, but I am just curious. (and we know what some of us will do to get a few minutes off cardio haha)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Do a search on cardio...we just finished a good thread not too long ago, but for a quick opinion here is mine.

    Cardio after a workout is not the most beneficial because your body's cortisol (stress hormone) production is at it's highest.

    That is why it's so important to consume your carbs, and creatine within 30 minutes following a workout. Follow that about 60 minutes later with your protein. If you're doing cardio post workout then you're staying catabolic. I still believe that cardio first thing in the am on an empty stomach with just some caffine or a thermogenic is the best way to go. You'll burn more fat and you're gonna speed up your metabolism first thing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by dumbells101
    I still believe that cardio first thing in the am on an empty stomach with just some caffine or a thermogenic is the best way to go. You'll burn more fat and you're gonna speed up your metabolism first thing.
    I agree with DB101. Cardio AM, empty stomach (maybe a little water and a thermogenic) has worked very well for me in the past.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa


    hi there,

    thanks for the info. yes i was reading through that post for a few days now actually thing is i cannot always get (actually very rarely) to gym on the AM cause its quite far from me plsu work/studies prevent me also. thats y i can usually only do it pre or post workout (unless I am playing some soccer or rugby with friends). To sorta put the Q in anada way: does a weights workout suffice for the first few minutes of cardio as would be needed pre workout? Like I said I know its not too big a deal and I will usually do that extra bit of cardio anyways otherwise i feel crappy i was just curious as to the whole heart rate during cardio thingy.

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