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Thread: Maximm Sets Per Body Part

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Maximm Sets Per Body Part

    I am in 5th week of cycle, switching up from 2-body part workouts to 1- bodypart. What is the maxium amount of sets I should train since I am giving each body part a week of rest?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    wrong forum. But, it depends on you. What are your stats? Height, weight, bodyweight, and what are your squat/deadlift/bench?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    5'9", 175, 8%BF, Squat 315 8 reps, never go higher because of knee injury/ 275- 5 reps on bench/ dont know max. I usually do 5-6 exercises 3 sets, 8-10 reps, worried if overtraining........

  4. #4
    depends, 5 excercises? depends on which ones you are doing on what part to be honest

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by robmase
    I am in 5th week of cycle, switching up from 2-body part workouts to 1- bodypart. What is the maxium amount of sets I should train since I am giving each body part a week of rest?
    I haven't read any other posts on this thread yet. I think, the maximum amount of sets per body part that you could train once a week would be the number of sets that would keep those muscles trained, sore for close to that one week period, say 5-6 days, because you don't want any soreness on the day you're going to train again. This ain't always easy. I've done so many sets before that my muscles were cramping and spazzin out on me for a day or two. I'd be chillin out on the couch watchin a movie and all of the sudden my hamstring, or my tricep would start to lock up and I'd have to stretch it. You have to find a comfort zone. Also, the more sets you do, I think the greater the chance of muscle pulls and tears. And...all the sets should be to failure, or else you could do a million without half the results of one to failure.

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