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  1. #1
    Cutabove is offline New Member
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    Jun 2006

    Ideas for correcting pec imbalance

    My left pec is noticeably bigger than my right. I'm right handed, and my right tri and shoulder are stronger than my left, so I'm guessing my right arm is taking over when doing chest, preventing my right pec from getting worked as hard. My form is good, as I have my spotter keep an eye on it, and everything is even and balanced when doing reps. I'm thinking maybe I should pre exhaust my right tri and deltoid before working chest? Any ideas?

  2. #2
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2006
    Switching to dumbbells instead of barbell??

  3. #3
    ph34rsh4ck is offline Member
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    i wouldnt preexhaust your secondary muscles before you hit the bench, if you do that then you leave yourself open to possibly hurting yourself if the one side of your body cant handle the weight the other side can handle, if its THATS obvious, the only thing you can do to increase the size of one side is to isolate that side everytime you workout your chest, i would try and do machine flys, and only do the right side, or just DB flys, just figure out whatever you can do to isolate that one side of your chest

  4. #4
    cwhid's Avatar
    cwhid is offline Junior Member
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    If you have access to hammer strength bench machines that could be the answer. They allow for a similar motion to benching, but you can isolate a single arm. Throw in an extra couple reps or even an extra set for the lagging side.

  5. #5
    Cutabove is offline New Member
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    Jun 2006
    Yea Kaberle15, I did go quite sometime where I did strictly dumbbells, but I still think my right tri and right deltoid prevented me from correcting the imbalance. I'll start throwing in an extra set or two at the end of my chest routine just for my right side and see how that works. Thanks for the advice fellas.

  6. #6
    boostedevo8's Avatar
    boostedevo8 is offline Associate Member
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    stupid bells is the way to go for correcting that problem....just keep at it till things even out

  7. #7
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nowhere, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by kaberle_15
    Switching to dumbbells instead of barbell??

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