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  1. #1
    dr.shred's Avatar
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    Workout Split Read This!

    Well as you all know almost everyone on here and I see in the gym does bodypart splits. Yes it is very sad for me to say this, but its the truth. If you have been doing what everyone in society does give it a rest and try something new. Maybe something like this.

    Day 1: Whole lower body
    Day 2: Whole upper body
    Day 3: Off
    Day 4: Whole lower body
    Day 5: Off
    Day 6: Whole upper body
    Day 7: Off


    Day 1: Whole lower body
    Day 2: Upper body horizontal push and pull
    Day 3: Off
    Day 4: Whole lower body
    Day 5: Off
    Day 6: Upper body vertical push and pull
    Day 7: Off

    Personally I like push/pull antagonist muscle groups ie. bench paired with row ect. I feel that I get a better pump doing it that way. There are some great benefits doing higher frequency versus a body part once a week. I can think probably 10 off the top of my head, but I'm not gonna sit here and try to promote changing your split. I'm just trying to encourage everyone to try something new once and a while.

  2. #2
    Snrf's Avatar
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    throw up a few reasons why, i'd be more inclined to try it if u did

  3. #3
    dr.shred's Avatar
    dr.shred is offline Senior Member
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    • While not as effective for CNS improvements as frequent training, this approach still has a significant neural component to it: PRO (compared to infrequent training).

    • Easy to train several different training capacities during the same cycle: PRO.

    • You're training less muscle groups per session than with whole body training so each muscle group can be trained with better focus and effort: PRO (compared to whole body training).

    • When training each muscle group twice a week you don't need to trash it as much as if you were training it only once a week. The increase in frequency compensates for the lower amount of work at each session (for a muscle group): PRO.

    • If you wimp out during a session, at least you have a second session during the week that will hit the same muscle group again: PRO.

  4. #4
    dr.shred's Avatar
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    Another point to make:

    How can you really break the body down into parts? It is impossible to isolate one muscle group and only work that particular group targeted. Train the body the way its designed to function: AS A UNIT!

  5. #5
    cwhid's Avatar
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    There is an entire book based on this training philosophy entitled The New High Intensity Training by Ellington Darden. Ive done this routine before, it will kick your ass at first. I highly reccomend it if youre looking to try something new or to blast past a plateau. This may be a slightly different routine than what you're suggesting but the principles are all the same. The fact that youre working each muscle group 2 or 3 times a week instead of one allows for 2 or 3 muscle growth cycles which in theory is superior to the one per week which is the generally accepted norm. If youre looking for a good read I highly suggest the aforementioned book.

  6. #6
    dr.shred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwhid
    There is an entire book based on this training philosophy entitled The New High Intensity Training by Ellington Darden. Ive done this routine before, it will kick your ass at first. I highly reccomend it if youre looking to try something new or to blast past a plateau. This may be a slightly different routine than what you're suggesting but the principles are all the same. The fact that youre working each muscle group 2 or 3 times a week instead of one allows for 2 or 3 muscle growth cycles which in theory is superior to the one per week which is the generally accepted norm. If youre looking for a good read I highly suggest the aforementioned book.
    Yes I just bought this book. Haven't received it yet, but I did just read Chad Waterbury's new book and he talks about this a lot too. Pretty much its all in what works for you. Personally I hate body part splits. I was just encouraging people think outside the box more and try something new.

  7. #7
    UberSteroids's Avatar
    UberSteroids is offline Anabolic Member
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    On the barbell
    Hmmm, maybe it does work, but with lower amounts of weight.
    There is no damn way I can do INTENSE workout for my whole upper body (chest,triceps,biceps,back,shoulders) in ONE DAY!?!? No way!
    I need a day alone just do to my high intensity/volume biceps workout.
    Sorry, this wont work for me.

  8. #8
    dr.shred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Hmmm, maybe it does work, but with lower amounts of weight.
    There is no damn way I can do INTENSE workout for my whole upper body (chest,triceps,biceps,back,shoulders) in ONE DAY!?!? No way!
    I need a day alone just do to my high intensity/volume biceps workout.
    Sorry, this wont work for me.
    Sure it can work for you. It was worked a for a lot of people including myself. This what works best I believe when you are natural. If you're not then do what you like, but don't knock it untill you try it.

  9. #9
    dr.shred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Hmmm, maybe it does work, but with lower amounts of weight.
    There is no damn way I can do INTENSE workout for my whole upper body (chest,triceps,biceps,back,shoulders) in ONE DAY!?!? No way!
    I need a day alone just do to my high intensity/volume biceps workout.
    Sorry, this wont work for me.
    Btw, if you are working the muslce out more frequently you don't have to put the same volume that you put into a single session a week. Its broken up between two workouts.

  10. #10
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    On the barbell

    Sorry chief but I just don't see this working out for me. All upper body in one day. Nope...
    I am not saying this does not work, it just won't work for me!

    Volume+Intensity+Rest+Nutrition = Growth and Efficiency
    Lower any of this and it will equall less as well.

    Take care
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 03-01-2007 at 05:57 PM.

  11. #11
    dr.shred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids

    Sorry chief but I just don't see this working out for me. All upper body in one day. Nope...
    I am not saying this does not work, it just won't work for me!

    Volume+Intensity+Rest+Nutrition = Growth and Efficiency
    Lower any of this and it will equall less as well.

    Take care
    Well thats funny because it works for pro football players, track and field athletes, pretty much everyone with the best physiques in the world. Give it a try before you knock it CHIEF.

  12. #12
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    On the barbell
    Quote Originally Posted by dr.shred
    Well thats funny because it works for pro football players, track and field athletes, pretty much everyone with the best physiques in the world. Give it a try before you knock it CHIEF.
    Exactly... I like I said, it's about goals. None of this is in my interest so not a workout routine for me.

    I see that You really think this will work for EVERYONE. Ok... now I WANT You to back it up. Here it is... how would my upper day look like? C'mon help me out with this one chief. I want to give this a shot and see if You are right.
    Here are my exercises.
    Flat barbell bench
    Incline d-bell bench
    Weighted dips
    Incline d-bell flys
    Over head extensions - barbell
    Nosebreakers - barbell
    Cable press down - close and wide grip
    Standing barbell curls
    Sitting preacher curls
    Standing hammer curls
    Reverse grip curls
    Lat pull down close and wide grip
    Low rows wide and close grip
    Bent over barbell rows
    Military barbell press
    Arnold presses
    Alt. upright rows
    Fron plate raises
    D-bell laterals

    Ok, this is what I do. I need Your help on my Upper Body workout day. What do I do? What percentage of the weight (% of max). Rep range etc.
    Let's see.
    My goal is to get HUGE and STRONG and yes I am all natural.
    Thanks Chief.

  13. #13
    boostedevo8's Avatar
    boostedevo8 is offline Associate Member
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    hmm this thread has my attention

  14. #14
    dr.shred's Avatar
    dr.shred is offline Senior Member
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    The upper body day could look like this:

    • One upper body horizontal pull exercise (chest-supported rowing, one-arm dumbbell row, etc.)

    • One upper body horizontal push exercise (decline, flat, or low incline bench press with a bar or dumbbells)

    • One upper body vertical pull exercise (weighted chins or pull-ups, lat pulldown variation, etc.)

    • One upper body vertical push exercise (high incline or seated press with a bar or dumbbells)

    • One biceps exercise

    • One triceps exercise

    Methods to use:

    • Regular lifting with 85-100% of your max (1-3 and 4-6 rep ranges)

    • Clusters: Use 87-92% of your maximum and perform sets of 5 reps with 10 seconds of rest between reps.

    • Rest-pause: Perform a 4-6RM set; when you reach failure, rest for 10-12 seconds and then perform a few more reps.

    • Alternate sets: Alternate sets of two exercises working different muscle groups with 60-90 seconds of rest between each exercise (not a superset).

    Some of this is similar to westside in which they implement two upper/lower body days a weeks with different variations although there is often more back work on the lower body days than the upper. Westside does one max effort squat/bench day a week and one dynamic squat/bench day a week.

    A lower body split may look this:

    • One squat variation (front squat, close-stance squat, medium stance squat, etc.)

    • One hip dominant basic exercise (Romanian deadlift, good morning, stiff-leg deadlift, sumo deadlift, etc.)

    • One secondary quad compound (leg press variation, hack squat, etc.)

    • One secondary hamstring exercise (reverse hyper, glute-ham raise, pull-through)

    • One unilateral lower body exercise (lunges, Bulgarian squat, split squat, etc.)

    • One calf exercise.

    You can variate both days for lower and upper. As I said before the volume is cut down from doing only one lower body day to two lower body days.
    Natural people with normal genetics need more frequency. Because your frequency is increased you don't need as much volume. Less is more!

    For myself personally I can get away with doing legs less and everything else more. You can modify based on your own needs and genetics.

    This is only way to do it. There are many other approachs. For instance, HIT training advocates a workout that looks like this:

    1 set of 8-12 reps 3x a week with the heaviest weight possible for ea. (Heaviest meaning you can't possible do one more rep with a given weight)

    1) Barbell Back Squat
    2) Overhead Barbell Press
    3) Regular Grip Chinup
    4) Bench Press
    5) Standing Barbell Curl
    6) Romanian Deadlift Barbell
    7) Single Leg Calf Raise
    8) Bent knee situp
    Last edited by dr.shred; 03-03-2007 at 11:58 AM.

  15. #15
    GeneticallyInferior is offline New Member
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    Interesting read, although it differs from most of the stuff I have read on here I probably will try it some day.

  16. #16
    dr.shred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneticallyInferior
    Interesting read, although it differs from most of the stuff I have read on here I probably will try it some day.
    Yes it does...The sad part is the most people are brainwashed by what bbing mags tell them to do. They tell you to do split routines and exercise more to make money because the more you exercise the hungrier you get leading to you purchasing more mrps, bars, ect that they advertise in their trash mags.

  17. #17
    alphadigs is offline New Member
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    Id try it, the old saying of keep the body guessing. change up the routine for a bit see how it goes.

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