I wonder what you all think of the routines Arnie sugguests in his encyclopedia.
I decided to try the basic program. Previously, I trained for a year with a typical 3sets/5reps type of workout 3-4 times a week. Made some decent progress.
Arnie suggests this:
Mon/Thu: Chest/Back
Bench, Inclines, Pullovers, Chins, BB rows, Deadlifts, Abs
Tue/Fri: Shoulders Arms
Clean and jerk, lateral raises, heavy upright rows, push presses, bb curls, db curls, tris extension, narrow grip bench, abs
Wed/Sat: Legs
Squat, Lunges, Leg curls, Calf raises, st leg dedlifts, good mornings, abs
Dunno how accurate this is (writing from memory).
Anyway, he suggests 4-5 sets and 10-12 reps for upper body and about 15 for legs.
Most people Ive spoken to say this is all too much for anyone not chemically assisted. Indeed I am noticing that my 1RMs are way down, however, the body is shaping up nicely both in terms of definition and size. Only got severe soreness after the leg day the first week. Making some progress in poundages. Been at this program for 4 weeks after a month's break from bbing.
So I wonder how effective is this program?
BTW, I am 18, 7% bf, 6'1, 180 pounds. Consuming about 2500-3000kcals a day atm tho upping it soon, 300-350g protein.
Ive been thinking of doing heavy and light days mebe. Going 3x4-6 on heavy days or summing. So mon Id do heavy bench, Wed heavy leg workout, Fri heavy shoulders and stick with high volume training in between those days.
Any comments appreciated.