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  1. #1
    TbolzNdbols's Avatar
    TbolzNdbols is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2007

    Question Whats up fellow Gurus! Need some advice.

    What's up iv been around on this board for many months now and iv done my research well. I just recently got off of a test/win cycle a few months ago. 50mg win depot every other day 600mg test 2 days a week with pct. I gained an overall 20lbs lean muscle about 10lbs fat. I was overall impressed with the bulk phase. My stats currently are 5'11 200lbs about 15-16% b.f. I am looking to cut once my blood work is completed. I ordered some Lion clen , as i am looking to run it for the spring time. "We all know warm weather brings out the ripped cravings we get ". As to running the clen i will be trying PB's routine with the 3rd week benadryl a.m cardio on empty stomach.

    anyway so my question is iv been hearing alot of different things about changing work out routines when cutting. I hear its good to stay heavy 10-8-6 reps 3 sets, due to over training. then I hear its good to go light weights high reps with minimal rest in between or "superset". So what do you think bros what works best with running clen and obtaining maximum muscle mass and strength?

  2. #2
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2006
    Keeping gains and muscle mass while cutting has a lot to do with diet, most importantly keeping protein intake high. As for the training routine it depends on your goals. Going light and high reps is more for endurance purposes, otherwise stay heavy but dont kill yourself and max out.

  3. #3
    TbolzNdbols's Avatar
    TbolzNdbols is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the reply Kab. yeah I was thinking i was going to go that route to continue to stay heavy to keep my muscle mass. I hear to many stories of guys loosing strength and size when cutting so i get worried. As far as my diet 220-250 grams protein a day, with reduced carb, and fat, intake.

  4. #4
    TbolzNdbols's Avatar
    TbolzNdbols is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2007
    i will be posting my diet in the diet forum with in a few days or so.

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