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  1. #1
    Kev_325's Avatar
    Kev_325 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2006

    extreme shoulder soreness

    Whenever i do chest my shoulders kill, i just got up 2 a max of 315, and now my shoulders and hands kill is there anything that i should know like so****rt of tip that will help me lift this without the pain.

    thanks guys

    im 5'11 220lbs 15% bf 21 yrs old

    on cycle
    1-12 750mg test E
    1-4 Dbol
    1-12 proviron
    currently on week 6

  2. #2
    pvit486 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2006
    I would say maybe you should try lessening the weight.

  3. #3
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2006
    Check your form and yea the weight may be too heavy.

  4. #4
    gp3 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006
    have the same problem, I have learned(my own experience), that I DO need to watch my weights meaning, I have no problem pushing the weight, but I needed to back off because my gains where pretty quick and my joints and tendons werent ready or can really handle those gains. It is hard to back off and drop some of the weight because mentally you think you are going backwards, but in my experience, backing off a little can save you from some serious injuries.....just my experience

  5. #5
    Mr Mac's Avatar
    Mr Mac is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007
    Check out this sticky from Doc Sust.

    shoulder injury and rehab

    I had the same problem myself a while ago on both flat and incline bench.
    Eventually, it got so bad i couldnt even lift my arm above shoulder height.

    It never fully fixed itself until i took about a month off from pushing movements like Chest/Shoulders.

    After it healed, i slowly started to introduce some of the Rotator Cuff work that Doc Sust talks about.
    I also worked on my bench form, trying to keep my arms from flaring out too much when lowering the bar.

    Hope this helps.

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