am running my very 1st cycle - 10 weeks Test E plus 1st 5weeks Halo. Am training on a 3day split, target being a gain in lean mass with as little bloat and water weight as possible.
i am aware that previously - before my cycle - i ve been doing too much cardio (5-6days/week at 30-45mins each) to effectively put on muscle ... at the time it was necessery tho in order to shed some bf (am at approx 16% rite now).
my question rite now is: in order not to gain too much "useless weight" through the heightened food intake on cycle how much cardio would you suggest i do - bearing in mind it shouldnt be so much to have a negative impact on my build up but also shouldnt be so little to have me end up in a "blown out" bulky shape.
my diet is clean - high protein, medium - high carbs (from quality sources), no sugar, no useless fat - & my work outs are monitored and solid.
current stats are:
28yo - 177cm - 89,3kgs (gained 3kgs of water in 1st week of cycle -see my other thread) - approx 16% bf.
training routine: 3day split in the gym incl 15 - 20min cardio as warm up
looking forward to your advice