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Thread: Gym time

  1. #1
    ozzie lifter's Avatar
    ozzie lifter is offline New Member
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    Gym time

    I am planning on running my first cycle soon but i want to get the training sorted out because im a natural lifter i only stay in the gym for 45-50 min a day and train as hard and as heavy as i can in that 45-50 min time zone i train 4-5 days aweek and was just woundering dose this change while on juice i only train a body part ones a week but if it feels good and recovered 3 days later i hit it a little more example chest monday do 2 tri exercise after chest is finished and then on friday i do tris and bies i do the same thing on my back day but with my bies same thing other way around the thing i want to know is how often do i train on juice and how long do i stay in the gym for and how often do you work a body part in a week all help would be great thanks.

  2. #2
    ozzie lifter's Avatar
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  3. #3
    chest6's Avatar
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    View results from: Dictionary | Thesaurus | Encyclopedia | All Reference | the Web Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
    punc·tu·a·tion /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈeɪʃən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[puhngk-choo-ey-shuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
    –noun 1. the practice or system of using certain conventional marks or characters in writing or printing in order to separate elements and make the meaning clear, as in ending a sentence or separating clauses.
    2. the act of punctuating.
    3. punctuation marks.


    [Origin: 1530–40; < ML pūnctuātiōn- (s. of pūnctuātiō) a marking, pointing. See punctuate, -ion]

    —Related forms
    punc·tu·a·tion·al, punc·tu·a·tive, adjective Unabridged (v 1.1)
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
    American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source punc·tu·a·tion (pŭngk'chōō-ā'shən) Pronunciation Key

    The use of standard marks and signs in writing and printing to separate words into sentences, clauses, and phrases in order to clarify meaning.
    The marks so used.
    The act or an instance of punctuating.

    (Download Now or Buy the Book) The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
    Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
    Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
    Online Etymology Dictionary - Cite This Source

    1539, "pointing of the psalms," from M.L. punctuationem (nom. punctuatio) "a marking with points," from punctuatus, pp. of punctuare "to mark with points or dots," from L. punctus "a prick" (see point). Meaning "system of inserting pauses in written matter" is recorded from 1661.

    Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper
    WordNet - Cite This Source punctuation

    1. something that makes repeated and regular interruptions or divisions
    2. the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases
    3. the use of certain marks to clarify meaning of written material by grouping words grammatically into sentences and clauses and phrases

  4. #4
    gdubb216's Avatar
    gdubb216 is offline Junior Member
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    from what I understand about training times you should never train more than an hour because of elevated cortisol levels which is catabolic. In all honesty sometimes I get in a zone and I tend to go a little longer. I think you may just want to add the juice and continue to train the same and see what happens. Just make sure you give your body ample recovery time...

  5. #5
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Let's start off right, how old are you?, height?, weight?, training history? and what's your diet like?

  6. #6
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Thank you!!!!!
    I get so tired of reading and trying to decipher all these posts with run on sentence's and poor excuses for misspelling.

    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    View results from: Dictionary | Thesaurus | Encyclopedia | All Reference | the Web Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
    punc·tu·a·tion /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈeɪʃən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[puhngk-choo-ey-shuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
    –noun 1. the practice or system of using certain conventional marks or characters in writing or printing in order to separate elements and make the meaning clear, as in ending a sentence or separating clauses.
    2. the act of punctuating.
    3. punctuation marks.


    [Origin: 1530–40; < ML pūnctuātiōn- (s. of pūnctuātiō) a marking, pointing. See punctuate, -ion]

    —Related forms
    punc·tu·a·tion·al, punc·tu·a·tive, adjective Unabridged (v 1.1)
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
    American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source punc·tu·a·tion (pŭngk'chōō-ā'shən) Pronunciation Key

    The use of standard marks and signs in writing and printing to separate words into sentences, clauses, and phrases in order to clarify meaning.
    The marks so used.
    The act or an instance of punctuating.

    (Download Now or Buy the Book) The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
    Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
    Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
    Online Etymology Dictionary - Cite This Source

    1539, "pointing of the psalms," from M.L. punctuationem (nom. punctuatio) "a marking with points," from punctuatus, pp. of punctuare "to mark with points or dots," from L. punctus "a prick" (see point). Meaning "system of inserting pauses in written matter" is recorded from 1661.

    Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper
    WordNet - Cite This Source punctuation

    1. something that makes repeated and regular interruptions or divisions
    2. the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases
    3. the use of certain marks to clarify meaning of written material by grouping words grammatically into sentences and clauses and phrases

  7. #7
    ozzie lifter's Avatar
    ozzie lifter is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox
    Let's start off right, how old are you?, height?, weight?, training history? and what's your diet like?
    Im 24 turning 25 in a few months,6 foot tall im 96kg thats 211 pounds i think,11- 12% body fat been liftin 8 years, 6 years with propper diet and training i eat any were from 4000 cals to 5000 all year round.

  8. #8
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    I was reading where you say you only stay in the gym for 45 to 50 minutes. That's great another person like myself that likes to go to the gym and take care of business. Staying in the gym for hours and overtraining is easy to do, and most of us have probably done this at one time. Sounds like you've figured out the training times. Remember to always listen to your body, because it knows when its ready to train and when its ready for relaxation.

  9. #9
    ozzie lifter's Avatar
    ozzie lifter is offline New Member
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    and if you stay in the gym more then an hour your test levels drop down alot and one of the key components to muscle development is testosterone it makes sense to get in and out as fast as you can.

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