First off I am 17 5'11-6'0 and weigh 185 pounds. My diet is pretty clean, consists of tunafish, chicken, all natural peanut butter, almonds, whole wheat bread, soy crisps, eggs, cold cuts, fish but rarely, sometimes i go to the deli and eat turkey lettuce tomato on whole wheat hero, and lots of water. My workout is as follow:
Sunday-delts traps
Monday-pecs tris
Fri-biceps back
I want to drop some BF and my diet is clean but i do eat a lot as i am trying to bulk but i want to lose some BF, my chest is lagging behind, i can squat 250 clean deadlift 225 clean but my bench press struggles at around 160-180 and it is really pissing me off, i can barbell curl a set of 8 reps on 80 pounds..Any suggestions for getting my bench up and lowering BF?
my chest exercises consist of bench press dips flys and that's basically it and i train hard, i will also do a machine at the gym that works out chest and abs not sure what it is called, afte rall that i try to do a pushup and it is so hard so i know i worked my chest out good..I take Syntha-6 protein and Celltech creatine..