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Thread: need help chest lagging

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    New York

    need help chest lagging

    First off I am 17 5'11-6'0 and weigh 185 pounds. My diet is pretty clean, consists of tunafish, chicken, all natural peanut butter, almonds, whole wheat bread, soy crisps, eggs, cold cuts, fish but rarely, sometimes i go to the deli and eat turkey lettuce tomato on whole wheat hero, and lots of water. My workout is as follow:
    Sunday-delts traps
    Monday-pecs tris
    Fri-biceps back

    I want to drop some BF and my diet is clean but i do eat a lot as i am trying to bulk but i want to lose some BF, my chest is lagging behind, i can squat 250 clean deadlift 225 clean but my bench press struggles at around 160-180 and it is really pissing me off, i can barbell curl a set of 8 reps on 80 pounds..Any suggestions for getting my bench up and lowering BF?
    my chest exercises consist of bench press dips flys and that's basically it and i train hard, i will also do a machine at the gym that works out chest and abs not sure what it is called, afte rall that i try to do a pushup and it is so hard so i know i worked my chest out good..I take Syntha-6 protein and Celltech creatine..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    New York
    i start on the bench press i start off on
    135 with 10 reps
    155 with 8 reps (struggling at 7 or 8)
    then i will jump to 175 or 180 depending on how i feel for 5 but i can only seem to get 2 or 3

    then i move on to dips and i don't put any wait around my waist and i can get 7-10 reps for 3 sets

    then i move to flyes and start off on 25lbs for 10 reps, then 30 for 10 reps and 35 for 8 reps

    then i will do that machine i don't know the name of the max is 300 on the machine i can do 150 i feel the burn that's my max i can do that 6-8 times

    by this time i can barely do a my diet you ask?
    i read around my body weight should intake 80g of EFA a day so that is why i like my all natural peanut butter...BTW my waist is a 34 which is why i want to cut down my BF%, don't need a belt it is comfortable lil loose fit
    i wake up with some PB on a whole wheat sandwich this is at 6 am before school, with a scoop of my syntha 6 protein, 22g a serving protein
    then i make another PB sandwich on WW bread with a banana and a bag of glennys soy crisps to eat at 8 30 am..then i come home at hmm roughly 11 am and eat some more peanut butter and i will eat some oats from oatmeal, or have 3 scrambled eggs, depending on my mood, then i am at work and i don't go on breka until around 3 or 4 o clock so i get 2 bags of soycrisps form the store i work at a grocery store, with the two bags i will either buy a bag of chicken or a can of tunafish and eat that on wheat bread..then i come home around 5 or 6 depending on the day and i eat an apple or banana with an energy drink sugar free to get ready for my workout which starts around 6-7 depending on the day,m i get home 830-9 after having my PWO shake which includes 2 scoops of my syntha-6 protein and 2 scoops of my celltech creatinei take directly after my workout, i get home and will have some more chicken or a lil bit of oatmeal or some more whole wheat bread with peanut butter with drinking water throughout the day and nothing else..also i make sure all my meals consist of a 35-50g protein intake..sorry for the long text

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I would skip the dips and throw some incline bench in there also some dumbell presses would work too. maybe some light cabel crossovers maybe every couple weeks some heavy negatives on the flatbench would work help stimulate growth but make sure you have a competent training partner and not to overdoo the negatives.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    You are probably going to be banned soon because your only 17..... so just do alot of research and why are you working your abs 2 days in a row?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    New York
    ahh well i turn 18 march 30th so i will be banned until then i suppose..sorry i broke the rules, well on wednesday i do light ab work like two or three sets of situps but then thursday is when i tear them up with captain's chair reverse crunch bicycle maneuver etc..
    that's the problem i don't have a competent training partner i am doing this all by myself, i done some good research today i think my form is shit on the benchpress so i will correct what i have learned tonight and update you guys, thanks for the help...any more help would be appreciated..

    gdubb aren't dips a solid exercise? or my pecs are not developed for that yet? and i have done cable crossovers before but i thought flyes are the same but are more effective..i am taking your advice and will do some incline press and some db press thanks for the help

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    for me I feel as though dips were something I had to learn how to do properly to emphasize the chest I had to learn correct form before I could use them I also feel asthough if form is not strict the triceps work harder than the chest so thats why I would stay away from them right now.....but to each his own Also maybe a few sets of pushups at the end of your primary routine would help to stimulate some growth The key is slow focused contractions Squeeze the muscle with your mind don't just move the weight focus on the contraction!!

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