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  1. #1
    Jiesel's Avatar
    Jiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Mid-East Coast

    Hit a 1RM today and cramped up!

    Today I attempted a 1RM bench of 215, my previous best about 3-4 weeks ago was 205lbs. I planted my feet, got hyped and attempted, on my way back up about half way I got a cramp in my right hamstring....weird as hell considering I was benching. I did my leg workout on Tues, I guess It was due to the pressure of driving my legs in to the ground. Once I cramped I needed my spot to assist a bit. Got real pissed stretched out again and gave It another shot, used a bit of arch and planted my feet again and got 215 on my own but could still feel the pain in my hammy. Just thought I'd share my story and see If anyone had any good techniques I could try to help me get to my goal on 225, my goal was 225 by June so I shouldn't have a problem adding 10 more lbs.

  2. #2
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2004
    its happened to me before, i think its from driving your feet into the ground, or kinda pulling your heals toward you while struggling with a bench. It only happens to me near failure.

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