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  1. #1
    GonnaBeHuge is offline Junior Member
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    My current workout, please help me tweak it

    I'm currently 228lbs, 5'10", and low-mid 20's BF cutting down from 260lbs only 3-4 months ago. Calories are around 2000-2200, protein is 250-300g, carbs ~150g and almost all the fat in my diet comes from EFAs/Flax

    Here's the workout:

    I try to rest 1-2 minutes between each set.

    Monday: Chest/Back

    Bench press 3 sets of 10-12
    Incline DB press 3 sets of 10-12
    Incline DB Flys 3 sets of 10-12

    Lat pulldown 3 sets of 10-12
    BB Rows 3 sets of 10-12
    BB Deadlifts 3 sets of 10-12

    Tues: Biceps/Triceps

    BB Curls 3 sets of 10-12
    DB Supinating Curls 3 sets of 10-12
    Preacher EZ-Bar curls, 2 dropsets ~10 reps + ~15 reps on second one

    DB Overhead Press 3 sets of 10-12
    DB Kickbacks 3 sets of 10-12
    Rope Pulldowns (and spread at bottom) 2 dropsets.

    Wed: Cardio

    Thurs: Legs/Calves

    Squats 5 sets of 10-12
    Leg Curls 3 sets of 10-12

    Seated Calf Raises 5 sets of 12-15
    Front Foot Raises (For shins since I get shinsplints often). 3 sets of 12-15

    Fri: Shoulders/Traps

    BB Military Press 3 sets of 10-12
    DB Lateral Raises 3 sets of 10-12
    BB Upright Rows 3 sets of 10-12

    BB Shrugs (in front) 2 sets of 6-10
    BB Shrugs (behind) 2 sets of 6-10
    DB Shrugs 3 sets of 6-8 (squeezing 1-2 seconds at the top of each one)

    Sat & Sun Cardio

    Also, the intensity is 150%. I am pretty much crawling out of the gym when I am done.

    Any suggestions? Does it look okay overall? It's been working fairly well, but then again I just started getting back in the gym after a 3 year break. I guess anything would work good right now!


  2. #2
    GonnaBeHuge is offline Junior Member
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    Anyone? Any advice is really appreciated. Also, my wife trains with me and follows the same workout, any advices for a female? Should she be doing anything different? Her goals at the moment are to gain strength and size.


  3. #3
    boostedevo8's Avatar
    boostedevo8 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm not much of a fan of training 2 large muscle groups in one day....

    I would train one large and one small a

    mon- chest/bi or chest/tri
    tuesday- back/bi or back/tri
    thursday-shoulders/traps or
    fri- bi/tri....I put arms at the end cause there ususally fried from mon and tues.......
    sat/sun - cardio

    or you can have a rest day between each work out day if your schedule allows it......or 2 on 1 off....w/e works best for your body, you just have to experiment a bit.......

    I don't think its a prob about your wife.....

  4. #4
    ebjack's Avatar
    ebjack is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GonnaBeHuge2
    I'm currently 228lbs, 5'10", and low-mid 20's BF cutting down from 260lbs only 3-4 months ago. Calories are around 2000-2200, protein is 250-300g, carbs ~150g and almost all the fat in my diet comes from EFAs/Flax

    Here's the workout:

    I try to rest 1-2 minutes between each set.

    Monday: Chest/Back

    Bench press 3 sets of 10-12
    Incline DB press 3 sets of 10-12
    Incline DB Flys 3 sets of 10-12

    Lat pulldown 3 sets of 10-12
    BB Rows 3 sets of 10-12
    BB Deadlifts 3 sets of 10-12

    Tues: Biceps/Triceps I wouldn't do bis and tris after chest and back

    BB Curls 3 sets of 10-12
    DB Supinating Curls 3 sets of 10-12
    Preacher EZ-Bar curls, 2 dropsets ~10 reps + ~15 reps on second one

    DB Overhead Press 3 sets of 10-12
    DB Kickbacks 3 sets of 10-12
    Rope Pulldowns (and spread at bottom) 2 dropsets.

    Wed: Cardio

    Thurs: Legs/Calves

    Squats 5 sets of 10-12 Need leg press in here somewhere
    Leg Curls 3 sets of 10-12

    Seated Calf Raises 5 sets of 12-15
    Front Foot Raises (For shins since I get shinsplints often). 3 sets of 12-15

    Fri: Shoulders/Traps

    BB Military Press 3 sets of 10-12 DB presses??
    DB Lateral Raises 3 sets of 10-12
    BB Upright Rows 3 sets of 10-12

    BB Shrugs (in front) 2 sets of 6-10
    BB Shrugs (behind) 2 sets of 6-10
    DB Shrugs 3 sets of 6-8 (squeezing 1-2 seconds at the top of each one)

    Sat & Sun Cardio

    Also, the intensity is 150%. I am pretty much crawling out of the gym when I am done.

    Any suggestions? Does it look okay overall? It's been working fairly well, but then again I just started getting back in the gym after a 3 year break. I guess anything would work good right now!


    I would change up to: back/bis
    shoulders/ traps
    arms are already working in these previous sets...

  5. #5
    boostedevo8's Avatar
    boostedevo8 is offline Associate Member
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    oh and I 4 got to add 4arms in there too....

    just throw them in anywhere or do it on one of your off days...its up to you.....I add them into my leg days.....whoops I 4got to add a leg day ......just either do legs wens or sat...

  6. #6
    4runner's Avatar
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  7. #7
    dookses is offline Junior Member
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    back/chest then bi/tri the following day is not optimal.

  8. #8
    dookses is offline Junior Member
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    I generally give chest, back, legs, and shoulders their own days and work in a bi's/tri's day here and there if I feel like it.

    I like this split because basically, if its not a leg day I'm not too dead tired when i finish weights to do some cardio.

    Also, you can just tack on a little ab session after any day at your discretion, I generally do abs (not every day) any day but leg days.

  9. #9
    GonnaBeHuge is offline Junior Member
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    Ok, I think I'm going to finish up this week with the routine I have and then try something like this:

    Mon: Back/Bis
    Tue: Chest/Tris
    Wed: Cardio
    Thurs: Legs/Calves
    Fri: Delts/Traps
    Sat&Sun: Cardio

    That look like a better split?


    I've been using the Barbell for Military press, I used to use the DB. I am just doing it like this to mix it up, then I will probably switch back to DB.

    Also, I will be adding in a bit more leg work (probably Leg press).


  10. #10
    dookses is offline Junior Member
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    much better.

    try to mix it up with the exercises you use, aswell. Doing the same ones week in and week out will only slow you down.

    For your chest/tri and back/bi days. I'd recommend doing 4 exercises for chest/back and 2 for bi/tri, rather than doing 3 for each. Bi's/Tri's are auxiliary muscles, work out your back and chest hard and the bi's and tri's will come.

  11. #11
    ebjack's Avatar
    ebjack is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GonnaBeHuge2
    Ok, I think I'm going to finish up this week with the routine I have and then try something like this:

    Mon: Back/Bis
    Tue: Chest/Tris
    Wed: Cardio
    Thurs: Legs/Calves
    Fri: Delts/Traps
    Sat&Sun: Cardio

    That look like a better split?


    I've been using the Barbell for Military press, I used to use the DB. I am just doing it like this to mix it up, then I will probably switch back to DB.

    Also, I will be adding in a bit more leg work (probably Leg press).


    looks've got enough muscle recuperation time
    just really hit it hard and you'll see results....if your diet is on key..

  12. #12
    GonnaBeHuge is offline Junior Member
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    Would doing forearms at the end of the back/bicep workout be enough? They are already pumped up by then, so it would make sense.

    I will try the idea of 4 exercises for back, 2 for bicep, so I am thinking about adding cable rows, and then dropping dumbell curls from the biceps.. so:

    Deadlifts 3 sets
    Lat Pulldown 3 sets
    DB Rows 3 sets
    Cable Rows 3 sets

    Barbell Curls 3 sets
    Preacher Curls 3 sets

    Reverse Curls 3 sets
    Hammer Curls 3 sets

    Chest/Tricep day like this:

    Bench Press 3 sets
    DB Incline Press 3 sets
    DB Incline Flyes 3 sets
    Cable Flyes 3 sets

    Seated DB Overhead Press 3 sets
    DB Kickbacks 3 sets

    Any input for these? The rest of the week I will be keeping the same as in my original post (except I will be adding Leg press to legs day).


  13. #13
    dookses is offline Junior Member
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    Looks good. But try to mix it up every now and then to. Sub out some exercises for different ones here and there.

    Oh, and add leg press and leg ext to your leg workouts.

    Chest: BB Incline Press, DB Incline Fly, BB Decline Press, DB Decline Press
    Tri: Skullcrushers, Pushdowns, Dips (if your gym has one of those seated dip pushdown machine things), close grip bench, reverse grip bench
    Back: Single Arm Cross-over Cable Row (not sure what this exercises' real name is, but I can explain it if you'd like to do it), Bent Over Rows
    Bi's: i like your decision for preacher/bb curls, those are my staples for bi's aswell, but you can do curls on the cable machines, sit on an incline bench and do db curls, etc. just mix it up every now and then.

  14. #14
    dookses is offline Junior Member
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    ah. you already decided to add leg press, sorry.

  15. #15
    ebjack's Avatar
    ebjack is offline Senior Member
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    I forgot about stiff leg deadlifts...they are really good on your glutes
    I do them between squats and leg presses...make sure form is good to avoid injury

    If your tall, you might have to build up your lower back. I get on one of those lower back machines a couple of times a week. I am 6'2"

    edit..I see you're 5'10".

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4runner
    none for nothing but this look terrible, 3 major muscles groups in 1 day????

  17. #17
    dookses is offline Junior Member
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    "major" muscle groups generally = chest, back and legs.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by dookses
    "major" muscle groups generally = chest, back and legs.
    immaterial, how can you have a good workout doing chest/tris/delts? You can't go heavy on the next muscle cause your too tired from the one before. i.e. not giving your muscles a reason to grow/get stronger. BAD IDEA

  19. #19
    dookses is offline Junior Member
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    well, I agree with you that chest/tri/delts in the same day is a bad idea.

    I was just pointing out that tri's/delts are hardly a "major" muscle group.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by dookses
    well, I agree with you that chest/tri/delts in the same day is a bad idea.

    I was just pointing out that tri's/delts are hardly a "major" muscle group.
    Maybe in the science human anamoty book but the tricep is 70% of your arm and the deltoid are standalone muscles. They need to be treated as major muscles like chest/back and legs. My routine is as follows:

    Monday: Chest/Forearms/Abs
    Tuesday: Delts/Tri's/Traps
    Wendsday: Legs/Abs
    Thursday: Chest/Forearms
    Friday: Back/Bi's/Abs

    My program which is taylored for me, I hit chest twice a week. I also cardio after any day if I feel like it. No more then 3 days tho.

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