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Thread: cardio problem

  1. #1

    cardio problem

    I recently started doing cardio in the morning. My goal is to be able to go 45 minutes at 65-70% HR without stopping. I havnt ran much since my senior year of lacrosse 2 years ago so I do have to work to get my stamina up to not stop but i can usually go for a long time. Recently around the 20th minute my left foot starts to go numb ( like a pins and needles feeling). Around the 30th minute it gets to almost a painful feeling and I stop around 35 minutes because i honestly cant feel my foot. Anyone ever have this problem?? I was thinking maybe a switch to the olyptical(spelling?lol) would do some good. Any input would help.... its kinda bothering the shit out of me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I take it you are jogging right now bro?

    I haven't had that problem, although I know the feeling you are talking about and it sounds quite weird to experience while running as, for me, it is usually a sensation caused by lack of circulation (i.e. when my foot falls asleep).

    I would suggest trying the eliptical to see if it helps, or trying an incline walk on a treadmill. You really should not have too much trouble going for 45 minutes straight in the THR zone, unless you have really let yourself go since lacrosse. Good luck.

  3. #3
    It's not like im takin it easy... and i havnt let myself go, i never really quite lifting but the cardio i stayed away from. I have gotten heavy and with being in college and the extra drinking I put on more extra weight. I cut the drinking down and now that st pattys has past im not gonna drink at all for a while. i was talking to my father about it and he thought it might have to do with ankle problems i had earlier in my life. Well see what the eliptical does tomarrow morning.

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