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  1. #1
    scrapakilla is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2003

    best order for lifting

    hey guys i lift 2 days on 1 day off and i have four workouts broken up to
    back traps and rear delt
    chest side delt and front delts
    and legs
    I really like this split but was wondering the best order.

    i do this

    back traps rear delt
    chest side delts and rear delts
    rest and repeat

    anyone have a better order for me to do this ad i am worried my traps are being overtrained as well as i have doubts about this order of lifting and i feel some advice can help me.

  2. #2
    gigem's Avatar
    gigem is offline Banned
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    Mar 2007
    bro i think your split is ok if you like it i truly feel what works for me may not for you day 1 for me is chest ab calves day 2 shoulders traps forearms day 3 off day 4 arms day 5 legs abs day 6off day 7back calves im in the gym about 1 hr to 1 and a half max i work my calves and abs 2 to three times a week like i said its what works for me i switch it up to shock my muscles i try to keep my bi and back days apart and any muscle that may be used in another workout to some extent

  3. #3
    davethewavedra's Avatar
    davethewavedra is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2007
    split seems good...i personally dont like training back and chest on back to back days b/c i feel still very weak from the day b4 and feel like i cant get a good a workout as i origanally could...also...i believe it works best for me to train the muscle im most interested in early in the week b/c i feel that the end of the week your body is yearning for that weekend rest...good luck man!

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