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  1. #1
    Ajc330's Avatar
    Ajc330 is offline Senior Member
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    New York

    HELP! Chest lags beyong belief!

    The title explains it all guys, i can deadlift 300 squat 280 but my chest is horific, with a whopping 175 maxe for one rep!!
    i did my routine today and felt so damn weak and i am sick of pushing pussy weight on chest/tri day i feel like a bitch..
    so my first conclusion is i am going to eat a shit more of good quality foods...but i am 5'11 roughly 188 pounds and my routine is as follows..

    barbell benchpress
    135X8 155X6 165x2 175x1
    incline db press
    40X8 45X6 55X3 failure
    incline db flyes
    35x8 40x6 45X4 failure

    and the occasional pullover machine for that muscle above my ribcage forgot what it's called sorry lol

    maybe it's my form i am not sure but can anyone maybe tweak my routine? i am down to try anything at this point i am sick of my lagging chest

  2. #2
    Ajc330's Avatar
    Ajc330 is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2007
    New York
    well my chest is hurting really bad this morning which i like a lot so i am just going to eat eat and eat more and let it rest all week and do same routine next week

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