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  1. #1
    hondaman is offline New Member
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    Hi! Want to get back to looking good, but have some questions.

    I'm a 35 year old male who used to work out when I was 18-22. I picked up smoking and havent worked out since. I'm not entirely out of shape, but I am tired of the way I look compared to the way I used to look. I have wanted to get back to the gym for a long time, but I couldnt motivate myself while I was still smoking. It seemed so counter productive.

    I'm kicking the smoking habit, and am excited to rebuild my body. I would especially like to somehow fast track it so that I can look good this summer.

    So a few beginner questions:

    1: Should I approach my workout differently since I have been a smoker, and from a cardio standpoint, am in bad shape?

    2: How fast should I ramp up my workout? I know I will want to push myself hard, as I used to back in the day, but I dont want to injure myself.

    3: Supplements. Yes or No?

    4: Home gyms like bowflex, etc. Worth it? I know I would be more inclined to workout if its not a big hassle, ie. going to the gym. Comments on this I am really interested in.

    Thanks to all, I am looking forward to spending long hours doing my homework!

  2. #2
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by hondaman
    I'm a 35 year old male who used to work out when I was 18-22. I picked up smoking and havent worked out since. I'm not entirely out of shape, but I am tired of the way I look compared to the way I used to look. I have wanted to get back to the gym for a long time, but I couldnt motivate myself while I was still smoking. It seemed so counter productive.

    I'm kicking the smoking habit, and am excited to rebuild my body. I would especially like to somehow fast track it so that I can look good this summer.

    So a few beginner questions:

    1: Should I approach my workout differently since I have been a smoker, and from a cardio standpoint, am in bad shape? If you are talking about cardio then keep it light but for as long as possible, i.e 30mins at 120 HR. There is no need to start sprinting ect this will do nothing for fat burning anyway. Keep cardio for the end of your weights session or first thing in the morn on empty stomach then do your weights later.

    2: How fast should I ramp up my workout? I know I will want to push myself hard, as I used to back in the day, but I dont want to injure myself. Start the first week with a circuit style programme to get you used to the weights again. Dont go too heavy or you are likely to hurt yourself. Just ease back in then when you feel comfortable think about splitting body parts for workouts

    3: Supplements. Yes or No? Pre and Post workout whey protein drink with double the ammount of carbs (dextrose or lower gi like powdered oats whichever you prefer) would be as much as i wouls suggest at the moment. try 20g pro and 40g carbs pre and bouble that for post. When you start to become fitter and hit a plateau consider adding creatine. If fat loss is a goal consider AMP or similar energy/fat burners

    4: Home gyms like bowflex, etc. Worth it? I know I would be more inclined to workout if its not a big hassle, ie. going to the gym. Comments on this I am really interested in. Forget them they are crap. Get down the gym and do it properly

    Thanks to all, I am looking forward to spending long hours doing my homework!
    Hope that helps mate. Good luck

  3. #3
    nyjetsfan86's Avatar
    nyjetsfan86 is offline Anabolic Member
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    welcome aboard

  4. #4
    martinezega's Avatar
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  6. #6
    jbarkley's Avatar
    jbarkley is offline Member
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    Congratulations on quitting smoking and starting a serious workout program. Like Beast said go to the gym, find a gym that has good energy and you'll really start to enjoy your training. Good Luck!


  7. #7
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Texans01 is offline Junior Member
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  10. #10
    hondaman is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the welcomes! I appreciate the feedback. I look forward to talking with you guys more.

  11. #11
    Outta Kontrol is offline Associate Member
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    welcome to the board. congrats on quitting smoking.

  12. #12
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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