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  1. #1
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    HST training Very interesting, wow

    hypertrophy specific training,
    I was reading about this in the varioius training technique sticky pinn posted and was wondering what you guys thought of it, on paper it makes total scientific sense, do you think i should give that workout routine a shot ?

    i found it to be a very interesting read. thanks bros !

    heres the link, and the routine is right at the end of the article, its a word document let me know guys i think i might try this !

    Various Training Techniques
    Last edited by Pro_built7; 04-10-2007 at 11:14 PM.

  2. #2
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Combine this with the Ultimate diet 2.0 by Lyle Mcdonald and get cut up and massive has you never been before.

    HST is really amazing

  3. #3
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    Combine this with the Ultimate diet 2.0 by Lyle Mcdonald and get cut up and massive has you never been before.

    HST is really amazing
    wow, so it really does work then ???

  4. #4
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    bumpity bump

  5. #5
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    noone knows anything about this type of workout ?

  6. #6
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    It best if done by the natural bodybuilder working each bodypart 3 times per week and a total body workout, it burns a lot more fat and glycogen that way ***ending on diet.

    I am on rehab for back pain right now and am doing a similar training but using 15 reps instead.

    Do some research on the net the hst website is complete after reading it you shouldnt have any other questions.

    If you have an extra 20-30$ to spare go in netrition and buy Lyle Mcdonalds Ultimate diet 2.0

    WHen i get back from my injury i am going to do this full blast and get in the best shape of my life.

  7. #7
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    hmm ya man ill keep that in mind, i was wondering if anyone has used this workout and if it worked for them, do you know anyone ? is it primalrily a mass gaining workout ?

  8. #8
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Well gaining mass ***ends on what you eat, i do beleive that diet is 80% of the whole training game.

    Lets just say that if you combine this type of training with the UD 2.0 and do an 8 week cycle there is a good chance you can put on some size and remove bodyfat at the same time.

    For me i am done with low carb diets and carb cycling but when i did it last time it was amazing.

  9. #9
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    You seem to doubt this training principle and waiting for other users feedback, i asked on this HST training before and barely got a few feedback myself.

    The best way is to try it for yourself, learn from it.

    The first week its the 15 reps but you still use some heavy weights high reps mean glycogen ***letation the next week its the 10 and the last week 5 for strenght.

    If you eat the right kinds of carbs after your 15 rep week you will feel pumped has hell.

    And by changing the rep range from week to week you keep your body confused all the time so you almost never hit a plateau.

    Actually HST showed me that i have a bette response training with higher reps 15 then i did with lower reps.

    And since i got injured with squats and deadlifts i can use different exercises then theses two and still get a decent natural shape.

  10. #10
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    hey sonar, thanks for all the help bro, when i try this routine, how long should i give it ? a few months? and you said to alternate reps but the actual routine doesn't say too could you explain why this is better?

    1 more thing, when you did this how were your gains compared to the normal once/wk training thanks man !

  11. #11
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    You need to do 8 to 12 weeks cycle, the gains are amazing cause you train each muscles 3 times a week but with one of two exercise, so you dont get to over train.

    All you need to know is there and its free.

    Good luck

  12. #12
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    do you think while doing that workout on cycle i should up the sets ? thanks!

  13. #13
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pro_built7
    do you think while doing that workout on cycle i should up the sets ? thanks!
    Anything on a cycle will help, but this routine if better done for the natural bodybuilder.

  14. #14
    slacker's Avatar
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    I gave the workout a try today in the gym. It seems so much different comming from what i'm used to. I'm gonna stick with it for 8 weeks and see what shakes. You should keep me posted on your progress throughout this.

  15. #15
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    I understand how this type of training is supposed to induce hypertrophy, but how can hypertrophy be obtained by such a small number of sets per workout, i dont think i would even get sore ever , are you supposed too! ??!??!?

  16. #16
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pro_built7
    I understand how this type of training is supposed to induce hypertrophy, but how can hypertrophy be obtained by such a small number of sets per workout, i dont think i would even get sore ever , are you supposed too! ??!??!?
    Intensity, dont forget that you train all muscles 3 times a week

  17. #17
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    When i did it in the gym tho it felt like i was almost wasting my time there. I'm so used of going there and getting pumped right out, But i was fine. Don't you need to rip your sh*t right up? Like for example i did a couple of sets of squats so i'm gonna take a day off then goto the gym agian and squat agian. If i'm not completely wrecking them then aren't they just repairing a minimal amount of muscle?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by slacker
    When i did it in the gym tho it felt like i was almost wasting my time there. I'm so used of going there and getting pumped right out, But i was fine. Don't you need to rip your sh*t right up? Like for example i did a couple of sets of squats so i'm gonna take a day off then goto the gym agian and squat agian. If i'm not completely wrecking them then aren't they just repairing a minimal amount of muscle?
    Slacker give it a chance, ok guys first off the first week or two you are going to do 15 reps right, but its not 15 reps with light weights, the goal here is to ***lete glycogen in every muscles.

    Your training should look like this:

    Leg press
    Leg extension
    Leg curls
    Bench press or machine press
    lat pulldown
    Low pulley rows
    military press or machine press
    triceps pushdown
    bb curls
    add some calves exercise and forarms+ ab work.

    thats it, take 1 minutes between sets do 3 sets of 15 but use some weight if you finish your 15 workout and you still have energy then you arent pushing yourself enought.

    Most people that start HST and that includes me guys i made the same mistake, i pushed light weights for 15 reps and did the wrong exercices.

    Keep the squats and deadlift to the 5 reps week to really load on weights.

    It will work for sure cause when you start the 10 rep week and start eating up theses carbs they will go straight into your muscles and you will be so much stronger when you start the 5 rep week.

    This training routine is trial and errors but when you nail it good its well worth the effort you put in it.

    Good luck guys.

  19. #19
    juiceball44 is offline Associate Member
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    so is it ok to workout if you are alittle sore?

  20. #20
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceball44
    so is it ok to workout if you are alittle sore?
    You will be sore for sure but you will use the lactic acid to get a benefical effect.

    This is really hard to explain guys you should check out the hst website its packed with all the info and its free.

  21. #21
    slacker's Avatar
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    Hey sonar, thanks for that post, actually encouraged me to stick with it. Now how long do you reccommend we do this routine for, 8 weeks?

  22. #22
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
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    It sounds really interesting, but i still dont fully understand it. i dont think I am smart enough to follow it. lol-

    Let me see if I got this right... (in laymans terms)

    Week1- 2-sets per exercise, 15 reps, EOD. (add 5-10lbs each training day)

    Week2- 2-sets per exercise, 10 reps, EOD. (add 5-10lbs each training day)

    Week3- 2-sets per exercise, 5 reps, EOD. (add 5-10lbs each training day).

    Am I like Wayyyyy off here??

  23. #23
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    ***ends on how you want to do it, you guys should really buy the UD 2.0 by Lyle Mcdonlads its 20$ or less i bought it on netrition there you would be all set to have one amazing shape.

    the 15 reps can be done for 2 weeks, has the 10 and the 5, then you take a week off to rest the body and repeat.

    There are many ways to do this HST training, if its to remove glycogen then it would look like this Monday and Tuesday you train total body workouts using the 3 X 15 reps, then on Thursday you do the 10 workout using 2 sets of each, all theses days are low carb days then on Friday you carb up for 3 days and Saturday you do the 5 workout, after the carb up you will be strong has hell

  24. #24
    slacker's Avatar
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    My diet isnt as strict as i would like it to be, takes alot to have a perfect diet. I live with 2 other guys and they like to have lots of snacks around the house so i like to treat myself to the odd one. My diet usualy consists of chicken breasts (2 - 3 throughout the day), steak (for supper), green beans, and brown rice with the chicken breats. My goal for the summer is to buckle down on a strict diet.

  25. #25
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    When you say carb up on friday for 3 days how high of a carb intake should we aim for?

  26. #26
    juiceball44 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    ***ends on how you want to do it, you guys should really buy the UD 2.0 by Lyle Mcdonlads its 20$ or less i bought it on netrition there you would be all set to have one amazing shape.

    the 15 reps can be done for 2 weeks, has the 10 and the 5, then you take a week off to rest the body and repeat.

    There are many ways to do this HST training, if its to remove glycogen then it would look like this Monday and Tuesday you train total body workouts using the 3 X 15 reps, then on Thursday you do the 10 workout using 2 sets of each, all theses days are low carb days then on Friday you carb up for 3 days and Saturday you do the 5 workout, after the carb up you will be strong has hell

    So mon-thurs is low carb and do the same 3x15 rep workout 2 days in a row (mon and tues) and the 2x10 rep on thurs.

    Carb up on fri, sat, sun and do the 5 rep high weight on sat, is that correct?

    From what I read they said to workout MWF and do one week of 15 reps, one week 10 reps and one week 5 reps increasing in weight each week.

    whats the difference in the routines? first better for cutting and second for gaining size?

  27. #27
    slacker's Avatar
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    Alright, heading out to the gym right now, going to start fresh. Will try out the 3x15's and see how it plays out.

  28. #28
    juiceball44 is offline Associate Member
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    tried doing the 3x15 and almost died today

    workout went like this.......
    3x15 bw dips,
    3x15 bw pull ups,
    3x15 30lb db curls,
    3x15 rows,
    3x15 185lb bench press
    everything was good until I did 2 sets of squats 225lbs x 15 reps and tried to deadlift after that...... i was exhausted
    Last edited by juiceball44; 04-16-2007 at 04:08 PM.

  29. #29
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    it seems from the replies that this workout is more geared toward fat loss than gaining size ??? im aiming for size not fat loss. it that true ?

  30. #30
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    Pro, The size I think would come from your diet. Because "in theory" from what is being said it is better (may not be correct) than a regular workout of 1 muscle a week... also its good to switch it up to.

  31. #31
    pspnsu is offline New Member
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    Brand new to this forum, I've been researching HST which lead me here to this thread. Those of you looking to use HST need to read this site: as already mentioned above. This thread also helped me:

    Most importantly you need to establish your max weight for each 2 week "rep block" (15, 10 and 5) before you can start HST. As the routine calls for you to progress between 5 and 20lbs each workout to get to your max weight by the end of the 2 week "rep block."

    For example, if my max bench for 10 reps is 185lbs. My routine would be as follows:
    Mon: 2x10x160
    Wed: 2x10x165
    Fri: 2x10x170
    Mon: 2x10x175
    Wed: 2x10x180
    Fri: 2x10x185

    Although the example on the HST site listed above rotates bench with dips every workout but hopefully this example helps, keep researching so you make sure you are doing the routine properly, I know I will. Good luck.

  32. #32
    juiceball44 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pspnsu
    Brand new to this forum, I've been researching HST which lead me here to this thread. Those of you looking to use HST need to read this site: as already mentioned above. This thread also helped me:

    Most importantly you need to establish your max weight for each 2 week "rep block" (15, 10 and 5) before you can start HST. As the routine calls for you to progress between 5 and 20lbs each workout to get to your max weight by the end of the 2 week "rep block."

    For example, if my max bench for 10 reps is 185lbs. My routine would be as follows:
    Mon: 2x10x160
    Wed: 2x10x165
    Fri: 2x10x170
    Mon: 2x10x175
    Wed: 2x10x180
    Fri: 2x10x185

    Although the example on the HST site listed above rotates bench with dips every workout but hopefully this example helps, keep researching so you make sure you are doing the routine properly, I know I will. Good luck.
    so you only work up to you max? i thought you would want to add weight to that. when do you start to add weight? i would think to start around your max and slowly add weight

  33. #33
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    In the 3rd week when you do 5 reps you up your max weight. I was also thinking that but there is no way I would beable to rep my max weight 15 times or 10 for that matter.

    So what pspnsu said does make alot of sense. I'm gonna read those links see what it says

  34. #34
    juiceball44 is offline Associate Member
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    I read the article a few times, here's what I understand...

    first determine your 15,10 and 5 rep maxes, example 185 for 15 reps

    first 2 weeks - 15 rep workout starting UNDER your 15 rep max and working up to it at end of 2 weeks
    next 2 weeks - 10 rep workout for 2 weeks working up to 10 rep max at end of 2 weeks
    last 2 weeks - 5 rep workout for 2 weeks working up to 5 rep max at end of 2 weeks

    Thats the end of the first "cycle"

    Now Add 5-20 lbs more weight to previous 15, 10 and 5 rep max and start next 6 week cycle, every 2 weeks working up to New max at end of each 2 week

  35. #35
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    For the 15 reps i would recommend using machines if you can you dont have to go to failure on them, you are trying to achieve glycogen ***letation.

    The UD2.0 diet is for cutting ***ending on how you do it if you want to gain quality mass and zero fat then you just up the calories a bit.

    Remember that cutting is diet first, you wont lose weight no matter what if you eat too much, i am a fat pig right now i am at 225 pounds i train 3 times a week with total body workouts doing 12-15 reps per set resting 30 seconds between sets, swimming and walking an hour each day.

    I havent lost a single pound cause i eat to much, i have to start working on this, my girlfriend got the diet books out LOl so she is sending me a message.

  36. #36
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    Hey sonar your 5'10" at 225 lbs, Are you jacked? or alittle giggely?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by slacker
    Hey sonar your 5'10" at 225 lbs, Are you jacked? or alittle giggely?
    No i only did one steroid cycle in 1999 when i was 27 and most of the cycle was fake deca , the test was good.

    I am far from being cut lets me tell you i got some great size but i also have a gut.

    But i been off training for a while now and my diet sucks, i just hate some pizza.

    I am seeing a chiro twice a week now so he can work on my posture that i screwed up doing bad form squats and deadlifts.

    My ultimate goal if i ever cure my back pain is to get down to 185 pounds.

    I will be 35 this summer and being 225 really is starting to show on the joints, and on my overall health.

    I dont consider myself being that obese and i dont want to imagine how a 300 pound fat guy lives is life.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails HST training Very interesting, wow-225.jpg  

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