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  1. #1
    B6Reeze5 is offline New Member
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    Inexperienced needing help

    I have this friend who just graduated from college with a degree in Health and Fitness. He only has me working out (lifting) 3 days a week. He also told me I could do cardio 30-45 min on eliptical (sp?) everyday if I want. My question is is 3 days a week not enough? It seems to me that it's not, but I don't have a degree. He is also training for bodybuilding competitions so I want to trust him in what he' s saying.

    Here is one reason I am a little skeptical is because he's been bigger (pretty fat) for his whole life and I have always been the smaller one. Now that he has been dieting and working out intensely, he is way more cut than I have EVER been. I am afraid that he isn't telling me something that I need to know so he remains in better shape than me forever.

    I just want a good workout routine to get me to lose some weight and SHREDDED. I am willing to do anything besides illegal steroids to do this. I am 210 lbs 5'11'' and my bf is prob like 17-20%. I really want a workout routine and a diet that would help me out here. I know in this thread its only good for workout questions, but ill repost/reword it again in the diet forum. Please give me a solid workout routine that would be great.


  2. #2
    ghostdog128's Avatar
    ghostdog128 is offline Junior Member
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    your friend is correct.. alot of people get addicted to going to the gym that's why they go so often and come up with crazy splits.. Don't put any stock in the fact that's he's been fat.. Don't base someones advice and knowledge on someone's outward appearance..

    Without sounding cocky, of all my friends I'm by far the biggest and most muscular, 5'9" @ 250 But I'm also considered fat by other peoples standards 18%. I have the knowledge to drop the fat easily but I'm not motivated to go on a keto diet..

    Bottome line is yes weights 3x/week is enough, getting shredded is all about diet and cardio.. if it's working for your friend, then listen to him.. and no he isn't holding anything back from you.. maybe you just don't want to except the fact that YES it is that easy.. and not all the crap that you read on these internet boards..

  3. #3
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    you need to realize that your friend (who probably did this for free since your friends) is telling you what is effective.....

    3 xs a week is more than enough, there is a method to the madness. STOP SECOND GUESSING YOUR FRIEND.

    That used to piss me off so much when I would help people for free, Id take time to give them a routine a diet and would even go with them and show them tips and tricks only for them to do something diff and less effective.

    thats pretty disrespectfull in my opionion to come here behind his back, he went to college, and practices what he preaches thats pretty obvious how passionate he is in what he does.

    SO PLEASE, Keep doing what he asks of you, he cares.

    Have some integrity dude!

  4. #4
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    If we took a poll, I would assume most people work out more than 3 days/wk.

  5. #5
    pwerfll1's Avatar
    pwerfll1 is offline Banned
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    yup i agree^^^^^^

  6. #6
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    Just posted can check results.

    How many days per week do you workout?

  7. #7
    B6Reeze5 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81

    you need to realize that your friend (who probably did this for free since your friends) is telling you what is effective.....

    3 xs a week is more than enough, there is a method to the madness. STOP SECOND GUESSING YOUR FRIEND.

    That used to piss me off so much when I would help people for free, Id take time to give them a routine a diet and would even go with them and show them tips and tricks only for them to do something diff and less effective.

    thats pretty disrespectfull in my opionion to come here behind his back, he went to college, and practices what he preaches thats pretty obvious how passionate he is in what he does.

    SO PLEASE, Keep doing what he asks of you, he cares.

    Have some integrity dude!

    hey listen i know it was a pretty bad stab at the guy, but you never know. I know im inexperienced and have a HUGE lack of knowledge I just wasn't sure thats why I asked. Don't knock me for being concerned.

  8. #8
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    dude, just go with what he sais. As sooon as you start second guessing him and doing your own thing, i gaurentee you will be shortchanging yourself big time. just go with him..he is more knowledgable than you right now.

    ps. i lift 3 days a week myself

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